2024-08-10 17:48:21 +06:00

93 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
import ast
import contextlib
import inspect
import sys
import types
import warnings
from code import InteractiveConsole
import outcome
import trio
import trio.lowlevel
from trio._util import final
class TrioInteractiveConsole(InteractiveConsole):
# code.InteractiveInterpreter defines locals as Mapping[str, Any]
# but when we pass this to FunctionType it expects a dict. So
# we make the type more specific on our subclass
locals: dict[str, object]
def __init__(self, repl_locals: dict[str, object] | None = None):
self.compile.compiler.flags |= ast.PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT
def runcode(self, code: types.CodeType) -> None:
func = types.FunctionType(code, self.locals)
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func):
result = trio.from_thread.run(outcome.acapture, func)
result = trio.from_thread.run_sync(outcome.capture, func)
if isinstance(result, outcome.Error):
# If it is SystemExit, quit the repl. Otherwise, print the traceback.
# If there is a SystemExit inside a BaseExceptionGroup, it probably isn't
# the user trying to quit the repl, but rather an error in the code. So, we
# don't try to inspect groups for SystemExit. Instead, we just print and
# return to the REPL.
if isinstance(result.error, SystemExit):
raise result.error
# Inline our own version of self.showtraceback that can use
# outcome.Error.error directly to print clean tracebacks.
# This also means overriding self.showtraceback does nothing.
sys.last_type, sys.last_value = type(result.error), result.error
sys.last_traceback = result.error.__traceback__
# see https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.html#sys.last_exc
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
sys.last_exc = result.error
# We always use sys.excepthook, unlike other implementations.
# This means that overriding self.write also does nothing to tbs.
sys.excepthook(sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback)
async def run_repl(console: TrioInteractiveConsole) -> None:
banner = (
f"trio REPL {sys.version} on {sys.platform}\n"
f'Use "await" directly instead of "trio.run()".\n'
f'Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" '
f"for more information.\n"
f'{getattr(sys, "ps1", ">>> ")}import trio'
await trio.to_thread.run_sync(console.interact, banner)
message=r"^coroutine .* was never awaited$",
def main(original_locals: dict[str, object]) -> None:
with contextlib.suppress(ImportError):
import readline # noqa: F401
repl_locals: dict[str, object] = {"trio": trio}
for key in {
repl_locals[key] = original_locals[key]
console = TrioInteractiveConsole(repl_locals)
trio.run(run_repl, console)