2024-08-10 17:48:21 +06:00

1249 lines
43 KiB

"""File generated by TLObjects' generator. All changes will be ERASED"""
from ...tl.tlobject import TLObject
from ...tl.tlobject import TLRequest
from typing import Optional, List, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
import os
import struct
from datetime import datetime
from ...tl.types import TypeDataJSON, TypeInputFile, TypeInputGroupCall, TypeInputPeer, TypeInputPhoneCall, TypeInputUser, TypePhoneCallDiscardReason, TypePhoneCallProtocol
class AcceptCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x3bd2b4a0
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xd48afe4f
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPhoneCall', g_b: bytes, protocol: 'TypePhoneCallProtocol'):
:returns phone.PhoneCall: Instance of PhoneCall.
self.peer = peer
self.g_b = g_b
self.protocol = protocol
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'AcceptCallRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'g_b': self.g_b,
'protocol': self.protocol.to_dict() if isinstance(self.protocol, TLObject) else self.protocol
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_g_b = reader.tgread_bytes()
_protocol = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(peer=_peer, g_b=_g_b, protocol=_protocol)
class CheckGroupCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xb59cf977
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x5026710f
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', sources: List[int]):
:returns Vector<int>: This type has no constructors.
self.call = call
self.sources = sources
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'CheckGroupCallRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'sources': [] if self.sources is None else self.sources[:]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.sources)),b''.join(struct.pack('<i', x) for x in self.sources),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_call = reader.tgread_object()
_sources = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.read_int()
return cls(call=_call, sources=_sources)
def read_result(reader):
reader.read_int() # Vector ID
return [reader.read_int() for _ in range(reader.read_int())]
class ConfirmCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x2efe1722
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xd48afe4f
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPhoneCall', g_a: bytes, key_fingerprint: int, protocol: 'TypePhoneCallProtocol'):
:returns phone.PhoneCall: Instance of PhoneCall.
self.peer = peer
self.g_a = g_a
self.key_fingerprint = key_fingerprint
self.protocol = protocol
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ConfirmCallRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'g_a': self.g_a,
'key_fingerprint': self.key_fingerprint,
'protocol': self.protocol.to_dict() if isinstance(self.protocol, TLObject) else self.protocol
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.key_fingerprint),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_g_a = reader.tgread_bytes()
_key_fingerprint = reader.read_long()
_protocol = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(peer=_peer, g_a=_g_a, key_fingerprint=_key_fingerprint, protocol=_protocol)
class CreateGroupCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x48cdc6d8
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPeer', rtmp_stream: Optional[bool]=None, random_id: int=None, title: Optional[str]=None, schedule_date: Optional[datetime]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.peer = peer
self.rtmp_stream = rtmp_stream
self.random_id = random_id if random_id is not None else int.from_bytes(os.urandom(4), 'big', signed=True)
self.title = title
self.schedule_date = schedule_date
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.peer = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.peer))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'CreateGroupCallRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'rtmp_stream': self.rtmp_stream,
'random_id': self.random_id,
'title': self.title,
'schedule_date': self.schedule_date
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.rtmp_stream is None or self.rtmp_stream is False else 4) | (0 if self.title is None or self.title is False else 1) | (0 if self.schedule_date is None or self.schedule_date is False else 2)),
struct.pack('<i', self.random_id),
b'' if self.title is None or self.title is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.title)),
b'' if self.schedule_date is None or self.schedule_date is False else (self.serialize_datetime(self.schedule_date)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_rtmp_stream = bool(flags & 4)
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_random_id = reader.read_int()
if flags & 1:
_title = reader.tgread_string()
_title = None
if flags & 2:
_schedule_date = reader.tgread_date()
_schedule_date = None
return cls(peer=_peer, rtmp_stream=_rtmp_stream, random_id=_random_id, title=_title, schedule_date=_schedule_date)
class DiscardCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xb2cbc1c0
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPhoneCall', duration: int, reason: 'TypePhoneCallDiscardReason', connection_id: int, video: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.peer = peer
self.duration = duration
self.reason = reason
self.connection_id = connection_id
self.video = video
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DiscardCallRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'duration': self.duration,
'reason': self.reason.to_dict() if isinstance(self.reason, TLObject) else self.reason,
'connection_id': self.connection_id,
'video': self.video
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.video is None or self.video is False else 1)),
struct.pack('<i', self.duration),
struct.pack('<q', self.connection_id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_video = bool(flags & 1)
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_duration = reader.read_int()
_reason = reader.tgread_object()
_connection_id = reader.read_long()
return cls(peer=_peer, duration=_duration, reason=_reason, connection_id=_connection_id, video=_video)
class DiscardGroupCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x7a777135
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall'):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.call = call
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DiscardGroupCallRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_call = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(call=_call)
class EditGroupCallParticipantRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa5273abf
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', participant: 'TypeInputPeer', muted: Optional[bool]=None, volume: Optional[int]=None, raise_hand: Optional[bool]=None, video_stopped: Optional[bool]=None, video_paused: Optional[bool]=None, presentation_paused: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.call = call
self.participant = participant
self.muted = muted
self.volume = volume
self.raise_hand = raise_hand
self.video_stopped = video_stopped
self.video_paused = video_paused
self.presentation_paused = presentation_paused
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
self.participant = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.participant))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'EditGroupCallParticipantRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'participant': self.participant.to_dict() if isinstance(self.participant, TLObject) else self.participant,
'muted': self.muted,
'volume': self.volume,
'raise_hand': self.raise_hand,
'video_stopped': self.video_stopped,
'video_paused': self.video_paused,
'presentation_paused': self.presentation_paused
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.muted is None else 1) | (0 if self.volume is None or self.volume is False else 2) | (0 if self.raise_hand is None else 4) | (0 if self.video_stopped is None else 8) | (0 if self.video_paused is None else 16) | (0 if self.presentation_paused is None else 32)),
b'' if self.muted is None else (b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.muted else b'7\x97y\xbc'),
b'' if self.volume is None or self.volume is False else (struct.pack('<i', self.volume)),
b'' if self.raise_hand is None else (b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.raise_hand else b'7\x97y\xbc'),
b'' if self.video_stopped is None else (b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.video_stopped else b'7\x97y\xbc'),
b'' if self.video_paused is None else (b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.video_paused else b'7\x97y\xbc'),
b'' if self.presentation_paused is None else (b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.presentation_paused else b'7\x97y\xbc'),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_call = reader.tgread_object()
_participant = reader.tgread_object()
if flags & 1:
_muted = reader.tgread_bool()
_muted = None
if flags & 2:
_volume = reader.read_int()
_volume = None
if flags & 4:
_raise_hand = reader.tgread_bool()
_raise_hand = None
if flags & 8:
_video_stopped = reader.tgread_bool()
_video_stopped = None
if flags & 16:
_video_paused = reader.tgread_bool()
_video_paused = None
if flags & 32:
_presentation_paused = reader.tgread_bool()
_presentation_paused = None
return cls(call=_call, participant=_participant, muted=_muted, volume=_volume, raise_hand=_raise_hand, video_stopped=_video_stopped, video_paused=_video_paused, presentation_paused=_presentation_paused)
class EditGroupCallTitleRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x1ca6ac0a
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', title: str):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.call = call
self.title = title
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'EditGroupCallTitleRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'title': self.title
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_call = reader.tgread_object()
_title = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(call=_call, title=_title)
class ExportGroupCallInviteRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xe6aa647f
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x3b3bfe8f
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', can_self_unmute: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns phone.ExportedGroupCallInvite: Instance of ExportedGroupCallInvite.
self.call = call
self.can_self_unmute = can_self_unmute
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ExportGroupCallInviteRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'can_self_unmute': self.can_self_unmute
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.can_self_unmute is None or self.can_self_unmute is False else 1)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_can_self_unmute = bool(flags & 1)
_call = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(call=_call, can_self_unmute=_can_self_unmute)
class GetCallConfigRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x55451fa9
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xad0352e8
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetCallConfigRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetGroupCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x41845db
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x304116be
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', limit: int):
:returns phone.GroupCall: Instance of GroupCall.
self.call = call
self.limit = limit
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetGroupCallRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'limit': self.limit
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.limit),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_call = reader.tgread_object()
_limit = reader.read_int()
return cls(call=_call, limit=_limit)
class GetGroupCallJoinAsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xef7c213a
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xb4b770fb
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPeer'):
:returns phone.JoinAsPeers: Instance of JoinAsPeers.
self.peer = peer
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.peer = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.peer))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetGroupCallJoinAsRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(peer=_peer)
class GetGroupCallStreamChannelsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x1ab21940
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x9157c5e4
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall'):
:returns phone.GroupCallStreamChannels: Instance of GroupCallStreamChannels.
self.call = call
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetGroupCallStreamChannelsRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_call = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(call=_call)
class GetGroupCallStreamRtmpUrlRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xdeb3abbf
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xd1f515cb
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPeer', revoke: bool):
:returns phone.GroupCallStreamRtmpUrl: Instance of GroupCallStreamRtmpUrl.
self.peer = peer
self.revoke = revoke
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.peer = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.peer))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetGroupCallStreamRtmpUrlRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'revoke': self.revoke
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.revoke else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_revoke = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(peer=_peer, revoke=_revoke)
class GetGroupParticipantsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xc558d8ab
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x72d304f4
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', ids: List['TypeInputPeer'], sources: List[int], offset: str, limit: int):
:returns phone.GroupParticipants: Instance of GroupParticipants.
self.call = call
self.ids = ids
self.sources = sources
self.offset = offset
self.limit = limit
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
_tmp = []
for _x in self.ids:
_tmp.append(utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(_x)))
self.ids = _tmp
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetGroupParticipantsRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'ids': [] if self.ids is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.ids],
'sources': [] if self.sources is None else self.sources[:],
'offset': self.offset,
'limit': self.limit
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.ids)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.ids),
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.sources)),b''.join(struct.pack('<i', x) for x in self.sources),
struct.pack('<i', self.limit),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_call = reader.tgread_object()
_ids = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
_sources = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.read_int()
_offset = reader.tgread_string()
_limit = reader.read_int()
return cls(call=_call, ids=_ids, sources=_sources, offset=_offset, limit=_limit)
class InviteToGroupCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x7b393160
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', users: List['TypeInputUser']):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.call = call
self.users = users
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
_tmp = []
for _x in self.users:
_tmp.append(utils.get_input_user(await client.get_input_entity(_x)))
self.users = _tmp
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'InviteToGroupCallRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'users': [] if self.users is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.users]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.users)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.users),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_call = reader.tgread_object()
_users = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(call=_call, users=_users)
class JoinGroupCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xb132ff7b
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', join_as: 'TypeInputPeer', params: 'TypeDataJSON', muted: Optional[bool]=None, video_stopped: Optional[bool]=None, invite_hash: Optional[str]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.call = call
self.join_as = join_as
self.params = params
self.muted = muted
self.video_stopped = video_stopped
self.invite_hash = invite_hash
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
self.join_as = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.join_as))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'JoinGroupCallRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'join_as': self.join_as.to_dict() if isinstance(self.join_as, TLObject) else self.join_as,
'params': self.params.to_dict() if isinstance(self.params, TLObject) else self.params,
'muted': self.muted,
'video_stopped': self.video_stopped,
'invite_hash': self.invite_hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.muted is None or self.muted is False else 1) | (0 if self.video_stopped is None or self.video_stopped is False else 4) | (0 if self.invite_hash is None or self.invite_hash is False else 2)),
b'' if self.invite_hash is None or self.invite_hash is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.invite_hash)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_muted = bool(flags & 1)
_video_stopped = bool(flags & 4)
_call = reader.tgread_object()
_join_as = reader.tgread_object()
if flags & 2:
_invite_hash = reader.tgread_string()
_invite_hash = None
_params = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(call=_call, join_as=_join_as, params=_params, muted=_muted, video_stopped=_video_stopped, invite_hash=_invite_hash)
class JoinGroupCallPresentationRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xcbea6bc4
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', params: 'TypeDataJSON'):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.call = call
self.params = params
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'JoinGroupCallPresentationRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'params': self.params.to_dict() if isinstance(self.params, TLObject) else self.params
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_call = reader.tgread_object()
_params = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(call=_call, params=_params)
class LeaveGroupCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x500377f9
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', source: int):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.call = call
self.source = source
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'LeaveGroupCallRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'source': self.source
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.source),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_call = reader.tgread_object()
_source = reader.read_int()
return cls(call=_call, source=_source)
class LeaveGroupCallPresentationRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x1c50d144
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall'):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.call = call
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'LeaveGroupCallPresentationRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_call = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(call=_call)
class ReceivedCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x17d54f61
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPhoneCall'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.peer = peer
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ReceivedCallRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(peer=_peer)
class RequestCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x42ff96ed
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xd48afe4f
def __init__(self, user_id: 'TypeInputUser', g_a_hash: bytes, protocol: 'TypePhoneCallProtocol', video: Optional[bool]=None, random_id: int=None):
:returns phone.PhoneCall: Instance of PhoneCall.
self.user_id = user_id
self.g_a_hash = g_a_hash
self.protocol = protocol
self.video = video
self.random_id = random_id if random_id is not None else int.from_bytes(os.urandom(4), 'big', signed=True)
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.user_id = utils.get_input_user(await client.get_input_entity(self.user_id))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'RequestCallRequest',
'user_id': self.user_id.to_dict() if isinstance(self.user_id, TLObject) else self.user_id,
'g_a_hash': self.g_a_hash,
'protocol': self.protocol.to_dict() if isinstance(self.protocol, TLObject) else self.protocol,
'video': self.video,
'random_id': self.random_id
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.video is None or self.video is False else 1)),
struct.pack('<i', self.random_id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_video = bool(flags & 1)
_user_id = reader.tgread_object()
_random_id = reader.read_int()
_g_a_hash = reader.tgread_bytes()
_protocol = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(user_id=_user_id, g_a_hash=_g_a_hash, protocol=_protocol, video=_video, random_id=_random_id)
class SaveCallDebugRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x277add7e
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPhoneCall', debug: 'TypeDataJSON'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.peer = peer
self.debug = debug
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SaveCallDebugRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'debug': self.debug.to_dict() if isinstance(self.debug, TLObject) else self.debug
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_debug = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(peer=_peer, debug=_debug)
class SaveCallLogRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x41248786
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPhoneCall', file: 'TypeInputFile'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.peer = peer
self.file = file
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SaveCallLogRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'file': self.file.to_dict() if isinstance(self.file, TLObject) else self.file
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_file = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(peer=_peer, file=_file)
class SaveDefaultGroupCallJoinAsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x575e1f8c
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPeer', join_as: 'TypeInputPeer'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.peer = peer
self.join_as = join_as
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.peer = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.peer))
self.join_as = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.join_as))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SaveDefaultGroupCallJoinAsRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'join_as': self.join_as.to_dict() if isinstance(self.join_as, TLObject) else self.join_as
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_join_as = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(peer=_peer, join_as=_join_as)
class SendSignalingDataRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xff7a9383
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPhoneCall', data: bytes):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.peer = peer
self.data = data
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SendSignalingDataRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'data': self.data
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_data = reader.tgread_bytes()
return cls(peer=_peer, data=_data)
class SetCallRatingRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x59ead627
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPhoneCall', rating: int, comment: str, user_initiative: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.peer = peer
self.rating = rating
self.comment = comment
self.user_initiative = user_initiative
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SetCallRatingRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'rating': self.rating,
'comment': self.comment,
'user_initiative': self.user_initiative
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.user_initiative is None or self.user_initiative is False else 1)),
struct.pack('<i', self.rating),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_user_initiative = bool(flags & 1)
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_rating = reader.read_int()
_comment = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(peer=_peer, rating=_rating, comment=_comment, user_initiative=_user_initiative)
class StartScheduledGroupCallRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x5680e342
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall'):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.call = call
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'StartScheduledGroupCallRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_call = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(call=_call)
class ToggleGroupCallRecordRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf128c708
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', start: Optional[bool]=None, video: Optional[bool]=None, title: Optional[str]=None, video_portrait: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.call = call
self.start = start
self.video = video
self.title = title
self.video_portrait = video_portrait
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleGroupCallRecordRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'start': self.start,
'video': self.video,
'title': self.title,
'video_portrait': self.video_portrait
def _bytes(self):
assert ((self.video or self.video is not None) and (self.video_portrait or self.video_portrait is not None)) or ((self.video is None or self.video is False) and (self.video_portrait is None or self.video_portrait is False)), 'video, video_portrait parameters must all be False-y (like None) or all me True-y'
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.start is None or self.start is False else 1) | (0 if self.video is None or self.video is False else 4) | (0 if self.title is None or self.title is False else 2) | (0 if self.video_portrait is None else 4)),
b'' if self.title is None or self.title is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.title)),
b'' if self.video_portrait is None else (b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.video_portrait else b'7\x97y\xbc'),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_start = bool(flags & 1)
_video = bool(flags & 4)
_call = reader.tgread_object()
if flags & 2:
_title = reader.tgread_string()
_title = None
if flags & 4:
_video_portrait = reader.tgread_bool()
_video_portrait = None
return cls(call=_call, start=_start, video=_video, title=_title, video_portrait=_video_portrait)
class ToggleGroupCallSettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x74bbb43d
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', reset_invite_hash: Optional[bool]=None, join_muted: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.call = call
self.reset_invite_hash = reset_invite_hash
self.join_muted = join_muted
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleGroupCallSettingsRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'reset_invite_hash': self.reset_invite_hash,
'join_muted': self.join_muted
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.reset_invite_hash is None or self.reset_invite_hash is False else 2) | (0 if self.join_muted is None else 1)),
b'' if self.join_muted is None else (b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.join_muted else b'7\x97y\xbc'),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_reset_invite_hash = bool(flags & 2)
_call = reader.tgread_object()
if flags & 1:
_join_muted = reader.tgread_bool()
_join_muted = None
return cls(call=_call, reset_invite_hash=_reset_invite_hash, join_muted=_join_muted)
class ToggleGroupCallStartSubscriptionRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x219c34e6
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, call: 'TypeInputGroupCall', subscribed: bool):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.call = call
self.subscribed = subscribed
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.call = utils.get_input_group_call(self.call)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleGroupCallStartSubscriptionRequest',
'call': self.call.to_dict() if isinstance(self.call, TLObject) else self.call,
'subscribed': self.subscribed
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.subscribed else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_call = reader.tgread_object()
_subscribed = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(call=_call, subscribed=_subscribed)