2024-08-10 17:48:21 +06:00

2537 lines
88 KiB

"""File generated by TLObjects' generator. All changes will be ERASED"""
from ...tl.tlobject import TLObject
from ...tl.tlobject import TLRequest
from typing import Optional, List, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
import os
import struct
from datetime import datetime
from ...tl.types import TypeChannelAdminLogEventsFilter, TypeChannelParticipantsFilter, TypeChatAdminRights, TypeChatBannedRights, TypeEmojiStatus, TypeInputChannel, TypeInputChatPhoto, TypeInputCheckPasswordSRP, TypeInputGeoPoint, TypeInputMessage, TypeInputPeer, TypeInputStickerSet, TypeInputUser
class CheckUsernameRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x10e6bd2c
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', username: str):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.username = username
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'CheckUsernameRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'username': self.username
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_username = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(channel=_channel, username=_username)
class ClickSponsoredMessageRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x18afbc93
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', random_id: bytes=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.random_id = random_id if random_id is not None else int.from_bytes(os.urandom(4), 'big', signed=True)
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ClickSponsoredMessageRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'random_id': self.random_id
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_random_id = reader.tgread_bytes()
return cls(channel=_channel, random_id=_random_id)
class ConvertToGigagroupRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xb290c69
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel'):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ConvertToGigagroupRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel)
class CreateChannelRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x91006707
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, title: str, about: str, broadcast: Optional[bool]=None, megagroup: Optional[bool]=None, for_import: Optional[bool]=None, forum: Optional[bool]=None, geo_point: Optional['TypeInputGeoPoint']=None, address: Optional[str]=None, ttl_period: Optional[int]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.title = title
self.about = about
self.broadcast = broadcast
self.megagroup = megagroup
self.for_import = for_import
self.forum = forum
self.geo_point = geo_point
self.address = address
self.ttl_period = ttl_period
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'CreateChannelRequest',
'title': self.title,
'about': self.about,
'broadcast': self.broadcast,
'megagroup': self.megagroup,
'for_import': self.for_import,
'forum': self.forum,
'geo_point': self.geo_point.to_dict() if isinstance(self.geo_point, TLObject) else self.geo_point,
'address': self.address,
'ttl_period': self.ttl_period
def _bytes(self):
assert ((self.geo_point or self.geo_point is not None) and (self.address or self.address is not None)) or ((self.geo_point is None or self.geo_point is False) and (self.address is None or self.address is False)), 'geo_point, address parameters must all be False-y (like None) or all me True-y'
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.broadcast is None or self.broadcast is False else 1) | (0 if self.megagroup is None or self.megagroup is False else 2) | (0 if self.for_import is None or self.for_import is False else 8) | (0 if self.forum is None or self.forum is False else 32) | (0 if self.geo_point is None or self.geo_point is False else 4) | (0 if self.address is None or self.address is False else 4) | (0 if self.ttl_period is None or self.ttl_period is False else 16)),
b'' if self.geo_point is None or self.geo_point is False else (self.geo_point._bytes()),
b'' if self.address is None or self.address is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.address)),
b'' if self.ttl_period is None or self.ttl_period is False else (struct.pack('<i', self.ttl_period)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_broadcast = bool(flags & 1)
_megagroup = bool(flags & 2)
_for_import = bool(flags & 8)
_forum = bool(flags & 32)
_title = reader.tgread_string()
_about = reader.tgread_string()
if flags & 4:
_geo_point = reader.tgread_object()
_geo_point = None
if flags & 4:
_address = reader.tgread_string()
_address = None
if flags & 16:
_ttl_period = reader.read_int()
_ttl_period = None
return cls(title=_title, about=_about, broadcast=_broadcast, megagroup=_megagroup, for_import=_for_import, forum=_forum, geo_point=_geo_point, address=_address, ttl_period=_ttl_period)
class CreateForumTopicRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf40c0224
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', title: str, icon_color: Optional[int]=None, icon_emoji_id: Optional[int]=None, random_id: int=None, send_as: Optional['TypeInputPeer']=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.title = title
self.icon_color = icon_color
self.icon_emoji_id = icon_emoji_id
self.random_id = random_id if random_id is not None else int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), 'big', signed=True)
self.send_as = send_as
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
if self.send_as:
self.send_as = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.send_as))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'CreateForumTopicRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'title': self.title,
'icon_color': self.icon_color,
'icon_emoji_id': self.icon_emoji_id,
'random_id': self.random_id,
'send_as': self.send_as.to_dict() if isinstance(self.send_as, TLObject) else self.send_as
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.icon_color is None or self.icon_color is False else 1) | (0 if self.icon_emoji_id is None or self.icon_emoji_id is False else 8) | (0 if self.send_as is None or self.send_as is False else 4)),
b'' if self.icon_color is None or self.icon_color is False else (struct.pack('<i', self.icon_color)),
b'' if self.icon_emoji_id is None or self.icon_emoji_id is False else (struct.pack('<q', self.icon_emoji_id)),
struct.pack('<q', self.random_id),
b'' if self.send_as is None or self.send_as is False else (self.send_as._bytes()),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_title = reader.tgread_string()
if flags & 1:
_icon_color = reader.read_int()
_icon_color = None
if flags & 8:
_icon_emoji_id = reader.read_long()
_icon_emoji_id = None
_random_id = reader.read_long()
if flags & 4:
_send_as = reader.tgread_object()
_send_as = None
return cls(channel=_channel, title=_title, icon_color=_icon_color, icon_emoji_id=_icon_emoji_id, random_id=_random_id, send_as=_send_as)
class DeactivateAllUsernamesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa245dd3
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DeactivateAllUsernamesRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel)
class DeleteChannelRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xc0111fe3
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel'):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DeleteChannelRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel)
class DeleteHistoryRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x9baa9647
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', max_id: int, for_everyone: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.max_id = max_id
self.for_everyone = for_everyone
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DeleteHistoryRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'max_id': self.max_id,
'for_everyone': self.for_everyone
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.for_everyone is None or self.for_everyone is False else 1)),
struct.pack('<i', self.max_id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_for_everyone = bool(flags & 1)
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_max_id = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, max_id=_max_id, for_everyone=_for_everyone)
class DeleteMessagesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x84c1fd4e
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xced3c06e
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', id: List[int]):
:returns messages.AffectedMessages: Instance of AffectedMessages.
self.channel = channel
self.id = id
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DeleteMessagesRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'id': [] if self.id is None else self.id[:]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.id)),b''.join(struct.pack('<i', x) for x in self.id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_id = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, id=_id)
class DeleteParticipantHistoryRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x367544db
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x2c49c116
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', participant: 'TypeInputPeer'):
:returns messages.AffectedHistory: Instance of AffectedHistory.
self.channel = channel
self.participant = participant
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
self.participant = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.participant))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DeleteParticipantHistoryRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'participant': self.participant.to_dict() if isinstance(self.participant, TLObject) else self.participant
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_participant = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel, participant=_participant)
class DeleteTopicHistoryRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x34435f2d
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x2c49c116
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', top_msg_id: int):
:returns messages.AffectedHistory: Instance of AffectedHistory.
self.channel = channel
self.top_msg_id = top_msg_id
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DeleteTopicHistoryRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'top_msg_id': self.top_msg_id
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.top_msg_id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_top_msg_id = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, top_msg_id=_top_msg_id)
class EditAdminRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xd33c8902
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', user_id: 'TypeInputUser', admin_rights: 'TypeChatAdminRights', rank: str):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.user_id = user_id
self.admin_rights = admin_rights
self.rank = rank
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
self.user_id = utils.get_input_user(await client.get_input_entity(self.user_id))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'EditAdminRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'user_id': self.user_id.to_dict() if isinstance(self.user_id, TLObject) else self.user_id,
'admin_rights': self.admin_rights.to_dict() if isinstance(self.admin_rights, TLObject) else self.admin_rights,
'rank': self.rank
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_user_id = reader.tgread_object()
_admin_rights = reader.tgread_object()
_rank = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(channel=_channel, user_id=_user_id, admin_rights=_admin_rights, rank=_rank)
class EditBannedRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x96e6cd81
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', participant: 'TypeInputPeer', banned_rights: 'TypeChatBannedRights'):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.participant = participant
self.banned_rights = banned_rights
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
self.participant = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.participant))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'EditBannedRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'participant': self.participant.to_dict() if isinstance(self.participant, TLObject) else self.participant,
'banned_rights': self.banned_rights.to_dict() if isinstance(self.banned_rights, TLObject) else self.banned_rights
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_participant = reader.tgread_object()
_banned_rights = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel, participant=_participant, banned_rights=_banned_rights)
class EditCreatorRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x8f38cd1f
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', user_id: 'TypeInputUser', password: 'TypeInputCheckPasswordSRP'):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.user_id = user_id
self.password = password
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
self.user_id = utils.get_input_user(await client.get_input_entity(self.user_id))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'EditCreatorRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'user_id': self.user_id.to_dict() if isinstance(self.user_id, TLObject) else self.user_id,
'password': self.password.to_dict() if isinstance(self.password, TLObject) else self.password
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_user_id = reader.tgread_object()
_password = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel, user_id=_user_id, password=_password)
class EditForumTopicRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf4dfa185
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', topic_id: int, title: Optional[str]=None, icon_emoji_id: Optional[int]=None, closed: Optional[bool]=None, hidden: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.topic_id = topic_id
self.title = title
self.icon_emoji_id = icon_emoji_id
self.closed = closed
self.hidden = hidden
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'EditForumTopicRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'topic_id': self.topic_id,
'title': self.title,
'icon_emoji_id': self.icon_emoji_id,
'closed': self.closed,
'hidden': self.hidden
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.title is None or self.title is False else 1) | (0 if self.icon_emoji_id is None or self.icon_emoji_id is False else 2) | (0 if self.closed is None else 4) | (0 if self.hidden is None else 8)),
struct.pack('<i', self.topic_id),
b'' if self.title is None or self.title is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.title)),
b'' if self.icon_emoji_id is None or self.icon_emoji_id is False else (struct.pack('<q', self.icon_emoji_id)),
b'' if self.closed is None else (b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.closed else b'7\x97y\xbc'),
b'' if self.hidden is None else (b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.hidden else b'7\x97y\xbc'),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_topic_id = reader.read_int()
if flags & 1:
_title = reader.tgread_string()
_title = None
if flags & 2:
_icon_emoji_id = reader.read_long()
_icon_emoji_id = None
if flags & 4:
_closed = reader.tgread_bool()
_closed = None
if flags & 8:
_hidden = reader.tgread_bool()
_hidden = None
return cls(channel=_channel, topic_id=_topic_id, title=_title, icon_emoji_id=_icon_emoji_id, closed=_closed, hidden=_hidden)
class EditLocationRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x58e63f6d
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', geo_point: 'TypeInputGeoPoint', address: str):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.geo_point = geo_point
self.address = address
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'EditLocationRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'geo_point': self.geo_point.to_dict() if isinstance(self.geo_point, TLObject) else self.geo_point,
'address': self.address
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_geo_point = reader.tgread_object()
_address = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(channel=_channel, geo_point=_geo_point, address=_address)
class EditPhotoRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf12e57c9
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', photo: 'TypeInputChatPhoto'):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.photo = photo
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
self.photo = utils.get_input_chat_photo(self.photo)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'EditPhotoRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'photo': self.photo.to_dict() if isinstance(self.photo, TLObject) else self.photo
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_photo = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel, photo=_photo)
class EditTitleRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x566decd0
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', title: str):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.title = title
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'EditTitleRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'title': self.title
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_title = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(channel=_channel, title=_title)
class ExportMessageLinkRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xe63fadeb
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xdee644cc
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', id: int, grouped: Optional[bool]=None, thread: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns ExportedMessageLink: Instance of ExportedMessageLink.
self.channel = channel
self.id = id
self.grouped = grouped
self.thread = thread
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ExportMessageLinkRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'id': self.id,
'grouped': self.grouped,
'thread': self.thread
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.grouped is None or self.grouped is False else 1) | (0 if self.thread is None or self.thread is False else 2)),
struct.pack('<i', self.id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_grouped = bool(flags & 1)
_thread = bool(flags & 2)
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_id = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, id=_id, grouped=_grouped, thread=_thread)
class GetAdminLogRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x33ddf480
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x51f076bc
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', q: str, max_id: int, min_id: int, limit: int, events_filter: Optional['TypeChannelAdminLogEventsFilter']=None, admins: Optional[List['TypeInputUser']]=None):
:returns channels.AdminLogResults: Instance of AdminLogResults.
self.channel = channel
self.q = q
self.max_id = max_id
self.min_id = min_id
self.limit = limit
self.events_filter = events_filter
self.admins = admins
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
if self.admins:
_tmp = []
for _x in self.admins:
_tmp.append(utils.get_input_user(await client.get_input_entity(_x)))
self.admins = _tmp
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetAdminLogRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'q': self.q,
'max_id': self.max_id,
'min_id': self.min_id,
'limit': self.limit,
'events_filter': self.events_filter.to_dict() if isinstance(self.events_filter, TLObject) else self.events_filter,
'admins': [] if self.admins is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.admins]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.events_filter is None or self.events_filter is False else 1) | (0 if self.admins is None or self.admins is False else 2)),
b'' if self.events_filter is None or self.events_filter is False else (self.events_filter._bytes()),
b'' if self.admins is None or self.admins is False else b''.join((b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.admins)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.admins))),
struct.pack('<q', self.max_id),
struct.pack('<q', self.min_id),
struct.pack('<i', self.limit),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_q = reader.tgread_string()
if flags & 1:
_events_filter = reader.tgread_object()
_events_filter = None
if flags & 2:
_admins = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
_admins = None
_max_id = reader.read_long()
_min_id = reader.read_long()
_limit = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, q=_q, max_id=_max_id, min_id=_min_id, limit=_limit, events_filter=_events_filter, admins=_admins)
class GetAdminedPublicChannelsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf8b036af
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x99d5cb14
def __init__(self, by_location: Optional[bool]=None, check_limit: Optional[bool]=None, for_personal: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns messages.Chats: Instance of either Chats, ChatsSlice.
self.by_location = by_location
self.check_limit = check_limit
self.for_personal = for_personal
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetAdminedPublicChannelsRequest',
'by_location': self.by_location,
'check_limit': self.check_limit,
'for_personal': self.for_personal
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.by_location is None or self.by_location is False else 1) | (0 if self.check_limit is None or self.check_limit is False else 2) | (0 if self.for_personal is None or self.for_personal is False else 4)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_by_location = bool(flags & 1)
_check_limit = bool(flags & 2)
_for_personal = bool(flags & 4)
return cls(by_location=_by_location, check_limit=_check_limit, for_personal=_for_personal)
class GetChannelRecommendationsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x25a71742
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x99d5cb14
def __init__(self, channel: Optional['TypeInputChannel']=None):
:returns messages.Chats: Instance of either Chats, ChatsSlice.
self.channel = channel
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
if self.channel:
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetChannelRecommendationsRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.channel is None or self.channel is False else 1)),
b'' if self.channel is None or self.channel is False else (self.channel._bytes()),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
if flags & 1:
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_channel = None
return cls(channel=_channel)
class GetChannelsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa7f6bbb
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x99d5cb14
def __init__(self, id: List['TypeInputChannel']):
:returns messages.Chats: Instance of either Chats, ChatsSlice.
self.id = id
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
_tmp = []
for _x in self.id:
_tmp.append(utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(_x)))
self.id = _tmp
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetChannelsRequest',
'id': [] if self.id is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.id]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.id)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_id = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(id=_id)
class GetForumTopicsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xde560d1
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8e1d3e1e
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', offset_date: Optional[datetime], offset_id: int, offset_topic: int, limit: int, q: Optional[str]=None):
:returns messages.ForumTopics: Instance of ForumTopics.
self.channel = channel
self.offset_date = offset_date
self.offset_id = offset_id
self.offset_topic = offset_topic
self.limit = limit
self.q = q
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetForumTopicsRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'offset_date': self.offset_date,
'offset_id': self.offset_id,
'offset_topic': self.offset_topic,
'limit': self.limit,
'q': self.q
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.q is None or self.q is False else 1)),
b'' if self.q is None or self.q is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.q)),
struct.pack('<i', self.offset_id),
struct.pack('<i', self.offset_topic),
struct.pack('<i', self.limit),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
if flags & 1:
_q = reader.tgread_string()
_q = None
_offset_date = reader.tgread_date()
_offset_id = reader.read_int()
_offset_topic = reader.read_int()
_limit = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, offset_date=_offset_date, offset_id=_offset_id, offset_topic=_offset_topic, limit=_limit, q=_q)
class GetForumTopicsByIDRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xb0831eb9
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8e1d3e1e
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', topics: List[int]):
:returns messages.ForumTopics: Instance of ForumTopics.
self.channel = channel
self.topics = topics
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetForumTopicsByIDRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'topics': [] if self.topics is None else self.topics[:]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.topics)),b''.join(struct.pack('<i', x) for x in self.topics),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_topics = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, topics=_topics)
class GetFullChannelRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x8736a09
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x225a5109
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel'):
:returns messages.ChatFull: Instance of ChatFull.
self.channel = channel
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetFullChannelRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel)
class GetGroupsForDiscussionRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf5dad378
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x99d5cb14
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetGroupsForDiscussionRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetInactiveChannelsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x11e831ee
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8bf3d7d4
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetInactiveChannelsRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetLeftChannelsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x8341ecc0
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x99d5cb14
def __init__(self, offset: int):
:returns messages.Chats: Instance of either Chats, ChatsSlice.
self.offset = offset
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetLeftChannelsRequest',
'offset': self.offset
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.offset),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_offset = reader.read_int()
return cls(offset=_offset)
class GetMessagesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xad8c9a23
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xd4b40b5e
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', id: List['TypeInputMessage']):
:returns messages.Messages: Instance of either Messages, MessagesSlice, ChannelMessages, MessagesNotModified.
self.channel = channel
self.id = id
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
_tmp = []
for _x in self.id:
self.id = _tmp
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetMessagesRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'id': [] if self.id is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.id]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.id)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_id = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel, id=_id)
class GetParticipantRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa0ab6cc6
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x6658151a
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', participant: 'TypeInputPeer'):
:returns channels.ChannelParticipant: Instance of ChannelParticipant.
self.channel = channel
self.participant = participant
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
self.participant = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.participant))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetParticipantRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'participant': self.participant.to_dict() if isinstance(self.participant, TLObject) else self.participant
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_participant = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel, participant=_participant)
class GetParticipantsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x77ced9d0
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xe60a6e64
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', filter: 'TypeChannelParticipantsFilter', offset: int, limit: int, hash: int):
:returns channels.ChannelParticipants: Instance of either ChannelParticipants, ChannelParticipantsNotModified.
self.channel = channel
self.filter = filter
self.offset = offset
self.limit = limit
self.hash = hash
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetParticipantsRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'filter': self.filter.to_dict() if isinstance(self.filter, TLObject) else self.filter,
'offset': self.offset,
'limit': self.limit,
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.offset),
struct.pack('<i', self.limit),
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_filter = reader.tgread_object()
_offset = reader.read_int()
_limit = reader.read_int()
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(channel=_channel, filter=_filter, offset=_offset, limit=_limit, hash=_hash)
class GetSendAsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xdc770ee
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x38cb8d21
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPeer'):
:returns channels.SendAsPeers: Instance of SendAsPeers.
self.peer = peer
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.peer = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.peer))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetSendAsRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(peer=_peer)
class GetSponsoredMessagesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xec210fbf
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x7f4169e0
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel'):
:returns messages.SponsoredMessages: Instance of either SponsoredMessages, SponsoredMessagesEmpty.
self.channel = channel
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetSponsoredMessagesRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel)
class InviteToChannelRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xc9e33d54
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x3dbe90a1
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', users: List['TypeInputUser']):
:returns messages.InvitedUsers: Instance of InvitedUsers.
self.channel = channel
self.users = users
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
_tmp = []
for _x in self.users:
_tmp.append(utils.get_input_user(await client.get_input_entity(_x)))
self.users = _tmp
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'InviteToChannelRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'users': [] if self.users is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.users]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.users)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.users),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_users = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel, users=_users)
class JoinChannelRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x24b524c5
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel'):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'JoinChannelRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel)
class LeaveChannelRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf836aa95
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel'):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'LeaveChannelRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel)
class ReadHistoryRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xcc104937
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', max_id: int):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.max_id = max_id
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ReadHistoryRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'max_id': self.max_id
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.max_id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_max_id = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, max_id=_max_id)
class ReadMessageContentsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xeab5dc38
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', id: List[int]):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.id = id
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ReadMessageContentsRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'id': [] if self.id is None else self.id[:]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.id)),b''.join(struct.pack('<i', x) for x in self.id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_id = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, id=_id)
class ReorderPinnedForumTopicsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x2950a18f
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', order: List[int], force: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.order = order
self.force = force
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ReorderPinnedForumTopicsRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'order': [] if self.order is None else self.order[:],
'force': self.force
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.force is None or self.force is False else 1)),
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.order)),b''.join(struct.pack('<i', x) for x in self.order),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_force = bool(flags & 1)
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_order = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, order=_order, force=_force)
class ReorderUsernamesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xb45ced1d
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', order: List[str]):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.order = order
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ReorderUsernamesRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'order': [] if self.order is None else self.order[:]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.order)),b''.join(self.serialize_bytes(x) for x in self.order),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_order = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(channel=_channel, order=_order)
class ReportAntiSpamFalsePositiveRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa850a693
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', msg_id: int):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.msg_id = msg_id
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ReportAntiSpamFalsePositiveRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'msg_id': self.msg_id
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.msg_id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_msg_id = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, msg_id=_msg_id)
class ReportSpamRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf44a8315
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', participant: 'TypeInputPeer', id: List[int]):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.participant = participant
self.id = id
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
self.participant = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.participant))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ReportSpamRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'participant': self.participant.to_dict() if isinstance(self.participant, TLObject) else self.participant,
'id': [] if self.id is None else self.id[:]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.id)),b''.join(struct.pack('<i', x) for x in self.id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_participant = reader.tgread_object()
_id = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, participant=_participant, id=_id)
class ReportSponsoredMessageRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xaf8ff6b9
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x26231822
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', option: bytes, random_id: bytes=None):
:returns channels.SponsoredMessageReportResult: Instance of either SponsoredMessageReportResultChooseOption, SponsoredMessageReportResultAdsHidden, SponsoredMessageReportResultReported.
self.channel = channel
self.option = option
self.random_id = random_id if random_id is not None else int.from_bytes(os.urandom(4), 'big', signed=True)
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ReportSponsoredMessageRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'option': self.option,
'random_id': self.random_id
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_random_id = reader.tgread_bytes()
_option = reader.tgread_bytes()
return cls(channel=_channel, option=_option, random_id=_random_id)
class RestrictSponsoredMessagesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x9ae91519
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', restricted: bool):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.restricted = restricted
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'RestrictSponsoredMessagesRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'restricted': self.restricted
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.restricted else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_restricted = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(channel=_channel, restricted=_restricted)
class SearchPostsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xd19f987b
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xd4b40b5e
def __init__(self, hashtag: str, offset_rate: int, offset_peer: 'TypeInputPeer', offset_id: int, limit: int):
:returns messages.Messages: Instance of either Messages, MessagesSlice, ChannelMessages, MessagesNotModified.
self.hashtag = hashtag
self.offset_rate = offset_rate
self.offset_peer = offset_peer
self.offset_id = offset_id
self.limit = limit
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.offset_peer = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.offset_peer))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SearchPostsRequest',
'hashtag': self.hashtag,
'offset_rate': self.offset_rate,
'offset_peer': self.offset_peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.offset_peer, TLObject) else self.offset_peer,
'offset_id': self.offset_id,
'limit': self.limit
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.offset_rate),
struct.pack('<i', self.offset_id),
struct.pack('<i', self.limit),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hashtag = reader.tgread_string()
_offset_rate = reader.read_int()
_offset_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_offset_id = reader.read_int()
_limit = reader.read_int()
return cls(hashtag=_hashtag, offset_rate=_offset_rate, offset_peer=_offset_peer, offset_id=_offset_id, limit=_limit)
class SetBoostsToUnblockRestrictionsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xad399cee
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', boosts: int):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.boosts = boosts
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SetBoostsToUnblockRestrictionsRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'boosts': self.boosts
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.boosts),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_boosts = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, boosts=_boosts)
class SetDiscussionGroupRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x40582bb2
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, broadcast: 'TypeInputChannel', group: 'TypeInputChannel'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.broadcast = broadcast
self.group = group
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.broadcast = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.broadcast))
self.group = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.group))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SetDiscussionGroupRequest',
'broadcast': self.broadcast.to_dict() if isinstance(self.broadcast, TLObject) else self.broadcast,
'group': self.group.to_dict() if isinstance(self.group, TLObject) else self.group
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_broadcast = reader.tgread_object()
_group = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(broadcast=_broadcast, group=_group)
class SetEmojiStickersRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x3cd930b7
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', stickerset: 'TypeInputStickerSet'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.stickerset = stickerset
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SetEmojiStickersRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'stickerset': self.stickerset.to_dict() if isinstance(self.stickerset, TLObject) else self.stickerset
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_stickerset = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel, stickerset=_stickerset)
class SetStickersRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xea8ca4f9
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', stickerset: 'TypeInputStickerSet'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.stickerset = stickerset
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SetStickersRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'stickerset': self.stickerset.to_dict() if isinstance(self.stickerset, TLObject) else self.stickerset
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_stickerset = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel, stickerset=_stickerset)
class ToggleAntiSpamRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x68f3e4eb
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', enabled: bool):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.enabled = enabled
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleAntiSpamRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'enabled': self.enabled
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.enabled else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_enabled = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(channel=_channel, enabled=_enabled)
class ToggleForumRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa4298b29
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', enabled: bool):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.enabled = enabled
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleForumRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'enabled': self.enabled
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.enabled else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_enabled = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(channel=_channel, enabled=_enabled)
class ToggleJoinRequestRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x4c2985b6
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', enabled: bool):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.enabled = enabled
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleJoinRequestRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'enabled': self.enabled
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.enabled else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_enabled = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(channel=_channel, enabled=_enabled)
class ToggleJoinToSendRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xe4cb9580
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', enabled: bool):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.enabled = enabled
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleJoinToSendRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'enabled': self.enabled
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.enabled else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_enabled = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(channel=_channel, enabled=_enabled)
class ToggleParticipantsHiddenRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x6a6e7854
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', enabled: bool):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.enabled = enabled
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleParticipantsHiddenRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'enabled': self.enabled
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.enabled else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_enabled = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(channel=_channel, enabled=_enabled)
class TogglePreHistoryHiddenRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xeabbb94c
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', enabled: bool):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.enabled = enabled
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'TogglePreHistoryHiddenRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'enabled': self.enabled
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.enabled else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_enabled = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(channel=_channel, enabled=_enabled)
class ToggleSignaturesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x1f69b606
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', enabled: bool):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.enabled = enabled
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleSignaturesRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'enabled': self.enabled
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.enabled else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_enabled = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(channel=_channel, enabled=_enabled)
class ToggleSlowModeRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xedd49ef0
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', seconds: int):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.seconds = seconds
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleSlowModeRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'seconds': self.seconds
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.seconds),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_seconds = reader.read_int()
return cls(channel=_channel, seconds=_seconds)
class ToggleUsernameRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x50f24105
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', username: str, active: bool):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.username = username
self.active = active
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleUsernameRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'username': self.username,
'active': self.active
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.active else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_username = reader.tgread_string()
_active = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(channel=_channel, username=_username, active=_active)
class ToggleViewForumAsMessagesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x9738bb15
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', enabled: bool):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.enabled = enabled
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleViewForumAsMessagesRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'enabled': self.enabled
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.enabled else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_enabled = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(channel=_channel, enabled=_enabled)
class UpdateColorRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xd8aa3671
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', for_profile: Optional[bool]=None, color: Optional[int]=None, background_emoji_id: Optional[int]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.for_profile = for_profile
self.color = color
self.background_emoji_id = background_emoji_id
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateColorRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'for_profile': self.for_profile,
'color': self.color,
'background_emoji_id': self.background_emoji_id
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.for_profile is None or self.for_profile is False else 2) | (0 if self.color is None or self.color is False else 4) | (0 if self.background_emoji_id is None or self.background_emoji_id is False else 1)),
b'' if self.color is None or self.color is False else (struct.pack('<i', self.color)),
b'' if self.background_emoji_id is None or self.background_emoji_id is False else (struct.pack('<q', self.background_emoji_id)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_for_profile = bool(flags & 2)
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
if flags & 4:
_color = reader.read_int()
_color = None
if flags & 1:
_background_emoji_id = reader.read_long()
_background_emoji_id = None
return cls(channel=_channel, for_profile=_for_profile, color=_color, background_emoji_id=_background_emoji_id)
class UpdateEmojiStatusRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf0d3e6a8
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', emoji_status: 'TypeEmojiStatus'):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.emoji_status = emoji_status
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateEmojiStatusRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'emoji_status': self.emoji_status.to_dict() if isinstance(self.emoji_status, TLObject) else self.emoji_status
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_emoji_status = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel, emoji_status=_emoji_status)
class UpdatePinnedForumTopicRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x6c2d9026
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', topic_id: int, pinned: bool):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.channel = channel
self.topic_id = topic_id
self.pinned = pinned
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdatePinnedForumTopicRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'topic_id': self.topic_id,
'pinned': self.pinned
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.topic_id),
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.pinned else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_topic_id = reader.read_int()
_pinned = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(channel=_channel, topic_id=_topic_id, pinned=_pinned)
class UpdateUsernameRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x3514b3de
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', username: str):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.username = username
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateUsernameRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'username': self.username
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_username = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(channel=_channel, username=_username)
class ViewSponsoredMessageRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xbeaedb94
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel', random_id: bytes=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
self.random_id = random_id if random_id is not None else int.from_bytes(os.urandom(4), 'big', signed=True)
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ViewSponsoredMessageRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel,
'random_id': self.random_id
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
_random_id = reader.tgread_bytes()
return cls(channel=_channel, random_id=_random_id)