import binascii from base64 import b64decode from typing import Optional from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException from fastapi.openapi.models import HTTPBase as HTTPBaseModel from fastapi.openapi.models import HTTPBearer as HTTPBearerModel from import SecurityBase from import get_authorization_scheme_param from pydantic import BaseModel from starlette.requests import Request from starlette.status import HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN from typing_extensions import Annotated, Doc class HTTPBasicCredentials(BaseModel): """ The HTTP Basic credentials given as the result of using `HTTPBasic` in a dependency. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for HTTP Basic Auth]( """ username: Annotated[str, Doc("The HTTP Basic username.")] password: Annotated[str, Doc("The HTTP Basic password.")] class HTTPAuthorizationCredentials(BaseModel): """ The HTTP authorization credentials in the result of using `HTTPBearer` or `HTTPDigest` in a dependency. The HTTP authorization header value is split by the first space. The first part is the `scheme`, the second part is the `credentials`. For example, in an HTTP Bearer token scheme, the client will send a header like: ``` Authorization: Bearer deadbeef12346 ``` In this case: * `scheme` will have the value `"Bearer"` * `credentials` will have the value `"deadbeef12346"` """ scheme: Annotated[ str, Doc( """ The HTTP authorization scheme extracted from the header value. """ ), ] credentials: Annotated[ str, Doc( """ The HTTP authorization credentials extracted from the header value. """ ), ] class HTTPBase(SecurityBase): def __init__( self, *, scheme: str, scheme_name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, auto_error: bool = True, ): self.model = HTTPBaseModel(scheme=scheme, description=description) self.scheme_name = scheme_name or self.__class__.__name__ self.auto_error = auto_error async def __call__( self, request: Request ) -> Optional[HTTPAuthorizationCredentials]: authorization = request.headers.get("Authorization") scheme, credentials = get_authorization_scheme_param(authorization) if not (authorization and scheme and credentials): if self.auto_error: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail="Not authenticated" ) else: return None return HTTPAuthorizationCredentials(scheme=scheme, credentials=credentials) class HTTPBasic(HTTPBase): """ HTTP Basic authentication. ## Usage Create an instance object and use that object as the dependency in `Depends()`. The dependency result will be an `HTTPBasicCredentials` object containing the `username` and the `password`. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for HTTP Basic Auth]( ## Example ```python from typing import Annotated from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI from import HTTPBasic, HTTPBasicCredentials app = FastAPI() security = HTTPBasic() @app.get("/users/me") def read_current_user(credentials: Annotated[HTTPBasicCredentials, Depends(security)]): return {"username": credentials.username, "password": credentials.password} ``` """ def __init__( self, *, scheme_name: Annotated[ Optional[str], Doc( """ Security scheme name. It will be included in the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """ ), ] = None, realm: Annotated[ Optional[str], Doc( """ HTTP Basic authentication realm. """ ), ] = None, description: Annotated[ Optional[str], Doc( """ Security scheme description. It will be included in the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """ ), ] = None, auto_error: Annotated[ bool, Doc( """ By default, if the HTTP Basic authentication is not provided (a header), `HTTPBasic` will automatically cancel the request and send the client an error. If `auto_error` is set to `False`, when the HTTP Basic authentication is not available, instead of erroring out, the dependency result will be `None`. This is useful when you want to have optional authentication. It is also useful when you want to have authentication that can be provided in one of multiple optional ways (for example, in HTTP Basic authentication or in an HTTP Bearer token). """ ), ] = True, ): self.model = HTTPBaseModel(scheme="basic", description=description) self.scheme_name = scheme_name or self.__class__.__name__ self.realm = realm self.auto_error = auto_error async def __call__( # type: ignore self, request: Request ) -> Optional[HTTPBasicCredentials]: authorization = request.headers.get("Authorization") scheme, param = get_authorization_scheme_param(authorization) if self.realm: unauthorized_headers = {"WWW-Authenticate": f'Basic realm="{self.realm}"'} else: unauthorized_headers = {"WWW-Authenticate": "Basic"} if not authorization or scheme.lower() != "basic": if self.auto_error: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Not authenticated", headers=unauthorized_headers, ) else: return None invalid_user_credentials_exc = HTTPException( status_code=HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Invalid authentication credentials", headers=unauthorized_headers, ) try: data = b64decode(param).decode("ascii") except (ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError, binascii.Error): raise invalid_user_credentials_exc # noqa: B904 username, separator, password = data.partition(":") if not separator: raise invalid_user_credentials_exc return HTTPBasicCredentials(username=username, password=password) class HTTPBearer(HTTPBase): """ HTTP Bearer token authentication. ## Usage Create an instance object and use that object as the dependency in `Depends()`. The dependency result will be an `HTTPAuthorizationCredentials` object containing the `scheme` and the `credentials`. ## Example ```python from typing import Annotated from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI from import HTTPAuthorizationCredentials, HTTPBearer app = FastAPI() security = HTTPBearer() @app.get("/users/me") def read_current_user( credentials: Annotated[HTTPAuthorizationCredentials, Depends(security)] ): return {"scheme": credentials.scheme, "credentials": credentials.credentials} ``` """ def __init__( self, *, bearerFormat: Annotated[Optional[str], Doc("Bearer token format.")] = None, scheme_name: Annotated[ Optional[str], Doc( """ Security scheme name. It will be included in the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """ ), ] = None, description: Annotated[ Optional[str], Doc( """ Security scheme description. It will be included in the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """ ), ] = None, auto_error: Annotated[ bool, Doc( """ By default, if the HTTP Bearer token not provided (in an `Authorization` header), `HTTPBearer` will automatically cancel the request and send the client an error. If `auto_error` is set to `False`, when the HTTP Bearer token is not available, instead of erroring out, the dependency result will be `None`. This is useful when you want to have optional authentication. It is also useful when you want to have authentication that can be provided in one of multiple optional ways (for example, in an HTTP Bearer token or in a cookie). """ ), ] = True, ): self.model = HTTPBearerModel(bearerFormat=bearerFormat, description=description) self.scheme_name = scheme_name or self.__class__.__name__ self.auto_error = auto_error async def __call__( self, request: Request ) -> Optional[HTTPAuthorizationCredentials]: authorization = request.headers.get("Authorization") scheme, credentials = get_authorization_scheme_param(authorization) if not (authorization and scheme and credentials): if self.auto_error: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail="Not authenticated" ) else: return None if scheme.lower() != "bearer": if self.auto_error: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail="Invalid authentication credentials", ) else: return None return HTTPAuthorizationCredentials(scheme=scheme, credentials=credentials) class HTTPDigest(HTTPBase): """ HTTP Digest authentication. ## Usage Create an instance object and use that object as the dependency in `Depends()`. The dependency result will be an `HTTPAuthorizationCredentials` object containing the `scheme` and the `credentials`. ## Example ```python from typing import Annotated from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI from import HTTPAuthorizationCredentials, HTTPDigest app = FastAPI() security = HTTPDigest() @app.get("/users/me") def read_current_user( credentials: Annotated[HTTPAuthorizationCredentials, Depends(security)] ): return {"scheme": credentials.scheme, "credentials": credentials.credentials} ``` """ def __init__( self, *, scheme_name: Annotated[ Optional[str], Doc( """ Security scheme name. It will be included in the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """ ), ] = None, description: Annotated[ Optional[str], Doc( """ Security scheme description. It will be included in the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """ ), ] = None, auto_error: Annotated[ bool, Doc( """ By default, if the HTTP Digest not provided, `HTTPDigest` will automatically cancel the request and send the client an error. If `auto_error` is set to `False`, when the HTTP Digest is not available, instead of erroring out, the dependency result will be `None`. This is useful when you want to have optional authentication. It is also useful when you want to have authentication that can be provided in one of multiple optional ways (for example, in HTTP Digest or in a cookie). """ ), ] = True, ): self.model = HTTPBaseModel(scheme="digest", description=description) self.scheme_name = scheme_name or self.__class__.__name__ self.auto_error = auto_error async def __call__( self, request: Request ) -> Optional[HTTPAuthorizationCredentials]: authorization = request.headers.get("Authorization") scheme, credentials = get_authorization_scheme_param(authorization) if not (authorization and scheme and credentials): if self.auto_error: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail="Not authenticated" ) else: return None if scheme.lower() != "digest": raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail="Invalid authentication credentials", ) return HTTPAuthorizationCredentials(scheme=scheme, credentials=credentials)