
3534 lines
106 KiB
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2024-08-10 14:48:21 +03:00
"""File generated by TLObjects' generator. All changes will be ERASED"""
from ...tl.tlobject import TLObject
from ...tl.tlobject import TLRequest
from typing import Optional, List, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
import os
import struct
from datetime import datetime
from ...tl.types import TypeAccountDaysTTL, TypeAutoDownloadSettings, TypeAutoSaveSettings, TypeBaseTheme, TypeBirthday, TypeBusinessWorkHours, TypeCodeSettings, TypeEmailVerification, TypeEmailVerifyPurpose, TypeEmojiStatus, TypeGlobalPrivacySettings, TypeInputBusinessAwayMessage, TypeInputBusinessBotRecipients, TypeInputBusinessChatLink, TypeInputBusinessGreetingMessage, TypeInputBusinessIntro, TypeInputChannel, TypeInputCheckPasswordSRP, TypeInputDocument, TypeInputFile, TypeInputGeoPoint, TypeInputNotifyPeer, TypeInputPeer, TypeInputPeerNotifySettings, TypeInputPhoto, TypeInputPrivacyKey, TypeInputPrivacyRule, TypeInputSecureValue, TypeInputTheme, TypeInputThemeSettings, TypeInputUser, TypeInputWallPaper, TypeReactionsNotifySettings, TypeReportReason, TypeSecureCredentialsEncrypted, TypeSecureValueHash, TypeSecureValueType, TypeWallPaperSettings
from ...tl.types.account import TypePasswordInputSettings
class AcceptAuthorizationRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf3ed4c73
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, bot_id: int, scope: str, public_key: str, value_hashes: List['TypeSecureValueHash'], credentials: 'TypeSecureCredentialsEncrypted'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.bot_id = bot_id
self.scope = scope
self.public_key = public_key
self.value_hashes = value_hashes
self.credentials = credentials
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'AcceptAuthorizationRequest',
'bot_id': self.bot_id,
'scope': self.scope,
'public_key': self.public_key,
'value_hashes': [] if self.value_hashes is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.value_hashes],
'credentials': self.credentials.to_dict() if isinstance(self.credentials, TLObject) else self.credentials
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.bot_id),
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.value_hashes)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.value_hashes),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_bot_id = reader.read_long()
_scope = reader.tgread_string()
_public_key = reader.tgread_string()
_value_hashes = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
_credentials = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(bot_id=_bot_id, scope=_scope, public_key=_public_key, value_hashes=_value_hashes, credentials=_credentials)
class CancelPasswordEmailRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xc1cbd5b6
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'CancelPasswordEmailRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class ChangeAuthorizationSettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x40f48462
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, hash: int, confirmed: Optional[bool]=None, encrypted_requests_disabled: Optional[bool]=None, call_requests_disabled: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.hash = hash
self.confirmed = confirmed
self.encrypted_requests_disabled = encrypted_requests_disabled
self.call_requests_disabled = call_requests_disabled
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ChangeAuthorizationSettingsRequest',
'hash': self.hash,
'confirmed': self.confirmed,
'encrypted_requests_disabled': self.encrypted_requests_disabled,
'call_requests_disabled': self.call_requests_disabled
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.confirmed is None or self.confirmed is False else 8) | (0 if self.encrypted_requests_disabled is None else 1) | (0 if self.call_requests_disabled is None else 2)),
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
b'' if self.encrypted_requests_disabled is None else (b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.encrypted_requests_disabled else b'7\x97y\xbc'),
b'' if self.call_requests_disabled is None else (b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.call_requests_disabled else b'7\x97y\xbc'),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_confirmed = bool(flags & 8)
_hash = reader.read_long()
if flags & 1:
_encrypted_requests_disabled = reader.tgread_bool()
_encrypted_requests_disabled = None
if flags & 2:
_call_requests_disabled = reader.tgread_bool()
_call_requests_disabled = None
return cls(hash=_hash, confirmed=_confirmed, encrypted_requests_disabled=_encrypted_requests_disabled, call_requests_disabled=_call_requests_disabled)
class ChangePhoneRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x70c32edb
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x2da17977
def __init__(self, phone_number: str, phone_code_hash: str, phone_code: str):
:returns User: Instance of either UserEmpty, User.
self.phone_number = phone_number
self.phone_code_hash = phone_code_hash
self.phone_code = phone_code
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ChangePhoneRequest',
'phone_number': self.phone_number,
'phone_code_hash': self.phone_code_hash,
'phone_code': self.phone_code
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_phone_number = reader.tgread_string()
_phone_code_hash = reader.tgread_string()
_phone_code = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(phone_number=_phone_number, phone_code_hash=_phone_code_hash, phone_code=_phone_code)
class CheckUsernameRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x2714d86c
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, username: str):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.username = username
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'CheckUsernameRequest',
'username': self.username
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_username = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(username=_username)
class ClearRecentEmojiStatusesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x18201aae
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ClearRecentEmojiStatusesRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xae\x1a \x18',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class ConfirmPasswordEmailRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x8fdf1920
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, code: str):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.code = code
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ConfirmPasswordEmailRequest',
'code': self.code
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b' \x19\xdf\x8f',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_code = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(code=_code)
class ConfirmPhoneRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x5f2178c3
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, phone_code_hash: str, phone_code: str):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.phone_code_hash = phone_code_hash
self.phone_code = phone_code
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ConfirmPhoneRequest',
'phone_code_hash': self.phone_code_hash,
'phone_code': self.phone_code
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_phone_code_hash = reader.tgread_string()
_phone_code = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(phone_code_hash=_phone_code_hash, phone_code=_phone_code)
class CreateBusinessChatLinkRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x8851e68e
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x3c0d4a8b
def __init__(self, link: 'TypeInputBusinessChatLink'):
:returns BusinessChatLink: Instance of BusinessChatLink.
self.link = link
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'CreateBusinessChatLinkRequest',
'link': self.link.to_dict() if isinstance(self.link, TLObject) else self.link
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_link = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(link=_link)
class CreateThemeRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x652e4400
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x56b4c80c
def __init__(self, slug: str, title: str, document: Optional['TypeInputDocument']=None, settings: Optional[List['TypeInputThemeSettings']]=None):
:returns Theme: Instance of Theme.
self.slug = slug
self.title = title
self.document = document
self.settings = settings
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
if self.document:
self.document = utils.get_input_document(self.document)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'CreateThemeRequest',
'slug': self.slug,
'title': self.title,
'document': self.document.to_dict() if isinstance(self.document, TLObject) else self.document,
'settings': [] if self.settings is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.settings]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.document is None or self.document is False else 4) | (0 if self.settings is None or self.settings is False else 8)),
b'' if self.document is None or self.document is False else (self.document._bytes()),
b'' if self.settings is None or self.settings is False else b''.join((b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.settings)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.settings))),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_slug = reader.tgread_string()
_title = reader.tgread_string()
if flags & 4:
_document = reader.tgread_object()
_document = None
if flags & 8:
_settings = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
_settings = None
return cls(slug=_slug, title=_title, document=_document, settings=_settings)
class DeclinePasswordResetRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x4c9409f6
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DeclinePasswordResetRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class DeleteAccountRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa2c0cf74
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, reason: str, password: Optional['TypeInputCheckPasswordSRP']=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.reason = reason
self.password = password
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DeleteAccountRequest',
'reason': self.reason,
'password': self.password.to_dict() if isinstance(self.password, TLObject) else self.password
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.password is None or self.password is False else 1)),
b'' if self.password is None or self.password is False else (self.password._bytes()),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_reason = reader.tgread_string()
if flags & 1:
_password = reader.tgread_object()
_password = None
return cls(reason=_reason, password=_password)
class DeleteAutoSaveExceptionsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x53bc0020
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DeleteAutoSaveExceptionsRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b' \x00\xbcS',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class DeleteBusinessChatLinkRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x60073674
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, slug: str):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.slug = slug
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DeleteBusinessChatLinkRequest',
'slug': self.slug
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_slug = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(slug=_slug)
class DeleteSecureValueRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xb880bc4b
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, types: List['TypeSecureValueType']):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.types = types
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DeleteSecureValueRequest',
'types': [] if self.types is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.types]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.types)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.types),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_types = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(types=_types)
class DisablePeerConnectedBotRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x5e437ed9
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPeer'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.peer = peer
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.peer = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.peer))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'DisablePeerConnectedBotRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(peer=_peer)
class EditBusinessChatLinkRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x8c3410af
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x3c0d4a8b
def __init__(self, slug: str, link: 'TypeInputBusinessChatLink'):
:returns BusinessChatLink: Instance of BusinessChatLink.
self.slug = slug
self.link = link
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'EditBusinessChatLinkRequest',
'slug': self.slug,
'link': self.link.to_dict() if isinstance(self.link, TLObject) else self.link
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_slug = reader.tgread_string()
_link = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(slug=_slug, link=_link)
class FinishTakeoutSessionRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x1d2652ee
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, success: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.success = success
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'FinishTakeoutSessionRequest',
'success': self.success
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.success is None or self.success is False else 1)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_success = bool(flags & 1)
return cls(success=_success)
class GetAccountTTLRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x8fc711d
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xbaa39d88
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetAccountTTLRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetAllSecureValuesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xb288bc7d
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xe82e4121
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetAllSecureValuesRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetAuthorizationFormRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa929597a
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x78049a94
def __init__(self, bot_id: int, scope: str, public_key: str):
:returns account.AuthorizationForm: Instance of AuthorizationForm.
self.bot_id = bot_id
self.scope = scope
self.public_key = public_key
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetAuthorizationFormRequest',
'bot_id': self.bot_id,
'scope': self.scope,
'public_key': self.public_key
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.bot_id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_bot_id = reader.read_long()
_scope = reader.tgread_string()
_public_key = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(bot_id=_bot_id, scope=_scope, public_key=_public_key)
class GetAuthorizationsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xe320c158
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xbf5e0ff
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetAuthorizationsRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'X\xc1 \xe3',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetAutoDownloadSettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x56da0b3f
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x2fb85921
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetAutoDownloadSettingsRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetAutoSaveSettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xadcbbcda
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x48cf2f02
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetAutoSaveSettingsRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetBotBusinessConnectionRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x76a86270
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, connection_id: str):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.connection_id = connection_id
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetBotBusinessConnectionRequest',
'connection_id': self.connection_id
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_connection_id = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(connection_id=_connection_id)
class GetBusinessChatLinksRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x6f70dde1
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xc6ba4a31
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetBusinessChatLinksRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetChannelDefaultEmojiStatusesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x7727a7d5
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xd3e005ca
def __init__(self, hash: int):
:returns account.EmojiStatuses: Instance of either EmojiStatusesNotModified, EmojiStatuses.
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetChannelDefaultEmojiStatusesRequest',
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(hash=_hash)
class GetChannelRestrictedStatusEmojisRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x35a9e0d5
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xbcef6aba
def __init__(self, hash: int):
:returns EmojiList: Instance of either EmojiListNotModified, EmojiList.
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetChannelRestrictedStatusEmojisRequest',
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(hash=_hash)
class GetChatThemesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xd638de89
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x7fc52204
def __init__(self, hash: int):
:returns account.Themes: Instance of either ThemesNotModified, Themes.
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetChatThemesRequest',
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(hash=_hash)
class GetConnectedBotsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x4ea4c80f
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xe4caf7d3
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetConnectedBotsRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetContactSignUpNotificationRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x9f07c728
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetContactSignUpNotificationRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetContentSettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x8b9b4dae
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xae3ff891
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetContentSettingsRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetDefaultBackgroundEmojisRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa60ab9ce
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xbcef6aba
def __init__(self, hash: int):
:returns EmojiList: Instance of either EmojiListNotModified, EmojiList.
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetDefaultBackgroundEmojisRequest',
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(hash=_hash)
class GetDefaultEmojiStatusesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xd6753386
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xd3e005ca
def __init__(self, hash: int):
:returns account.EmojiStatuses: Instance of either EmojiStatusesNotModified, EmojiStatuses.
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetDefaultEmojiStatusesRequest',
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(hash=_hash)
class GetDefaultGroupPhotoEmojisRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x915860ae
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xbcef6aba
def __init__(self, hash: int):
:returns EmojiList: Instance of either EmojiListNotModified, EmojiList.
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetDefaultGroupPhotoEmojisRequest',
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(hash=_hash)
class GetDefaultProfilePhotoEmojisRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xe2750328
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xbcef6aba
def __init__(self, hash: int):
:returns EmojiList: Instance of either EmojiListNotModified, EmojiList.
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetDefaultProfilePhotoEmojisRequest',
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(hash=_hash)
class GetGlobalPrivacySettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xeb2b4cf6
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xc90e5770
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetGlobalPrivacySettingsRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetMultiWallPapersRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x65ad71dc
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8ec35283
def __init__(self, wallpapers: List['TypeInputWallPaper']):
:returns Vector<WallPaper>: This type has no constructors.
self.wallpapers = wallpapers
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetMultiWallPapersRequest',
'wallpapers': [] if self.wallpapers is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.wallpapers]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.wallpapers)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.wallpapers),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_wallpapers = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(wallpapers=_wallpapers)
class GetNotifyExceptionsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x53577479
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, compare_sound: Optional[bool]=None, compare_stories: Optional[bool]=None, peer: Optional['TypeInputNotifyPeer']=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.compare_sound = compare_sound
self.compare_stories = compare_stories
self.peer = peer
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
if self.peer:
self.peer = await client._get_input_notify(self.peer)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetNotifyExceptionsRequest',
'compare_sound': self.compare_sound,
'compare_stories': self.compare_stories,
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.compare_sound is None or self.compare_sound is False else 2) | (0 if self.compare_stories is None or self.compare_stories is False else 4) | (0 if self.peer is None or self.peer is False else 1)),
b'' if self.peer is None or self.peer is False else (self.peer._bytes()),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_compare_sound = bool(flags & 2)
_compare_stories = bool(flags & 4)
if flags & 1:
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_peer = None
return cls(compare_sound=_compare_sound, compare_stories=_compare_stories, peer=_peer)
class GetNotifySettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x12b3ad31
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xcf20c074
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputNotifyPeer'):
:returns PeerNotifySettings: Instance of PeerNotifySettings.
self.peer = peer
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.peer = await client._get_input_notify(self.peer)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetNotifySettingsRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(peer=_peer)
class GetPasswordRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x548a30f5
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x53a211a3
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetPasswordRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetPasswordSettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x9cd4eaf9
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xd23fb078
def __init__(self, password: 'TypeInputCheckPasswordSRP'):
:returns account.PasswordSettings: Instance of PasswordSettings.
self.password = password
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetPasswordSettingsRequest',
'password': self.password.to_dict() if isinstance(self.password, TLObject) else self.password
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_password = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(password=_password)
class GetPrivacyRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xdadbc950
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xb55aba82
def __init__(self, key: 'TypeInputPrivacyKey'):
:returns account.PrivacyRules: Instance of PrivacyRules.
self.key = key
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetPrivacyRequest',
'key': self.key.to_dict() if isinstance(self.key, TLObject) else self.key
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_key = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(key=_key)
class GetReactionsNotifySettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x6dd654c
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8dff0851
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetReactionsNotifySettingsRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class GetRecentEmojiStatusesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf578105
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xd3e005ca
def __init__(self, hash: int):
:returns account.EmojiStatuses: Instance of either EmojiStatusesNotModified, EmojiStatuses.
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetRecentEmojiStatusesRequest',
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(hash=_hash)
class GetSavedRingtonesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xe1902288
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x27bcc95e
def __init__(self, hash: int):
:returns account.SavedRingtones: Instance of either SavedRingtonesNotModified, SavedRingtones.
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetSavedRingtonesRequest',
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(hash=_hash)
class GetSecureValueRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x73665bc2
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xe82e4121
def __init__(self, types: List['TypeSecureValueType']):
:returns Vector<SecureValue>: This type has no constructors.
self.types = types
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetSecureValueRequest',
'types': [] if self.types is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.types]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.types)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.types),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_types = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(types=_types)
class GetThemeRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x3a5869ec
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x56b4c80c
def __init__(self, format: str, theme: 'TypeInputTheme'):
:returns Theme: Instance of Theme.
self.format = format
self.theme = theme
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetThemeRequest',
'format': self.format,
'theme': self.theme.to_dict() if isinstance(self.theme, TLObject) else self.theme
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_format = reader.tgread_string()
_theme = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(format=_format, theme=_theme)
class GetThemesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x7206e458
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x7fc52204
def __init__(self, format: str, hash: int):
:returns account.Themes: Instance of either ThemesNotModified, Themes.
self.format = format
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetThemesRequest',
'format': self.format,
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_format = reader.tgread_string()
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(format=_format, hash=_hash)
class GetTmpPasswordRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x449e0b51
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xb064992d
def __init__(self, password: 'TypeInputCheckPasswordSRP', period: int):
:returns account.TmpPassword: Instance of TmpPassword.
self.password = password
self.period = period
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetTmpPasswordRequest',
'password': self.password.to_dict() if isinstance(self.password, TLObject) else self.password,
'period': self.period
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.period),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_password = reader.tgread_object()
_period = reader.read_int()
return cls(password=_password, period=_period)
class GetWallPaperRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xfc8ddbea
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x96a2c98b
def __init__(self, wallpaper: 'TypeInputWallPaper'):
:returns WallPaper: Instance of either WallPaper, WallPaperNoFile.
self.wallpaper = wallpaper
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetWallPaperRequest',
'wallpaper': self.wallpaper.to_dict() if isinstance(self.wallpaper, TLObject) else self.wallpaper
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_wallpaper = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(wallpaper=_wallpaper)
class GetWallPapersRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x7967d36
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xa2c548fd
def __init__(self, hash: int):
:returns account.WallPapers: Instance of either WallPapersNotModified, WallPapers.
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetWallPapersRequest',
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(hash=_hash)
class GetWebAuthorizationsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x182e6d6f
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x9a365b32
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'GetWebAuthorizationsRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class InitTakeoutSessionRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x8ef3eab0
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x843ebe85
def __init__(self, contacts: Optional[bool]=None, message_users: Optional[bool]=None, message_chats: Optional[bool]=None, message_megagroups: Optional[bool]=None, message_channels: Optional[bool]=None, files: Optional[bool]=None, file_max_size: Optional[int]=None):
:returns account.Takeout: Instance of Takeout.
self.contacts = contacts
self.message_users = message_users
self.message_chats = message_chats
self.message_megagroups = message_megagroups
self.message_channels = message_channels
self.files = files
self.file_max_size = file_max_size
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'InitTakeoutSessionRequest',
'contacts': self.contacts,
'message_users': self.message_users,
'message_chats': self.message_chats,
'message_megagroups': self.message_megagroups,
'message_channels': self.message_channels,
'files': self.files,
'file_max_size': self.file_max_size
def _bytes(self):
assert ((self.files or self.files is not None) and (self.file_max_size or self.file_max_size is not None)) or ((self.files is None or self.files is False) and (self.file_max_size is None or self.file_max_size is False)), 'files, file_max_size parameters must all be False-y (like None) or all me True-y'
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.contacts is None or self.contacts is False else 1) | (0 if self.message_users is None or self.message_users is False else 2) | (0 if self.message_chats is None or self.message_chats is False else 4) | (0 if self.message_megagroups is None or self.message_megagroups is False else 8) | (0 if self.message_channels is None or self.message_channels is False else 16) | (0 if self.files is None or self.files is False else 32) | (0 if self.file_max_size is None or self.file_max_size is False else 32)),
b'' if self.file_max_size is None or self.file_max_size is False else (struct.pack('<q', self.file_max_size)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_contacts = bool(flags & 1)
_message_users = bool(flags & 2)
_message_chats = bool(flags & 4)
_message_megagroups = bool(flags & 8)
_message_channels = bool(flags & 16)
_files = bool(flags & 32)
if flags & 32:
_file_max_size = reader.read_long()
_file_max_size = None
return cls(contacts=_contacts, message_users=_message_users, message_chats=_message_chats, message_megagroups=_message_megagroups, message_channels=_message_channels, files=_files, file_max_size=_file_max_size)
class InstallThemeRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xc727bb3b
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, dark: Optional[bool]=None, theme: Optional['TypeInputTheme']=None, format: Optional[str]=None, base_theme: Optional['TypeBaseTheme']=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.dark = dark
self.theme = theme
self.format = format
self.base_theme = base_theme
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'InstallThemeRequest',
'dark': self.dark,
'theme': self.theme.to_dict() if isinstance(self.theme, TLObject) else self.theme,
'format': self.format,
'base_theme': self.base_theme.to_dict() if isinstance(self.base_theme, TLObject) else self.base_theme
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.dark is None or self.dark is False else 1) | (0 if self.theme is None or self.theme is False else 2) | (0 if self.format is None or self.format is False else 4) | (0 if self.base_theme is None or self.base_theme is False else 8)),
b'' if self.theme is None or self.theme is False else (self.theme._bytes()),
b'' if self.format is None or self.format is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.format)),
b'' if self.base_theme is None or self.base_theme is False else (self.base_theme._bytes()),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_dark = bool(flags & 1)
if flags & 2:
_theme = reader.tgread_object()
_theme = None
if flags & 4:
_format = reader.tgread_string()
_format = None
if flags & 8:
_base_theme = reader.tgread_object()
_base_theme = None
return cls(dark=_dark, theme=_theme, format=_format, base_theme=_base_theme)
class InstallWallPaperRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xfeed5769
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, wallpaper: 'TypeInputWallPaper', settings: 'TypeWallPaperSettings'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.wallpaper = wallpaper
self.settings = settings
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'InstallWallPaperRequest',
'wallpaper': self.wallpaper.to_dict() if isinstance(self.wallpaper, TLObject) else self.wallpaper,
'settings': self.settings.to_dict() if isinstance(self.settings, TLObject) else self.settings
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_wallpaper = reader.tgread_object()
_settings = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(wallpaper=_wallpaper, settings=_settings)
class InvalidateSignInCodesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xca8ae8ba
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, codes: List[str]):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.codes = codes
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'InvalidateSignInCodesRequest',
'codes': [] if self.codes is None else self.codes[:]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.codes)),b''.join(self.serialize_bytes(x) for x in self.codes),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_codes = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(codes=_codes)
class RegisterDeviceRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xec86017a
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, token_type: int, token: str, app_sandbox: bool, secret: bytes, other_uids: List[int], no_muted: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.token_type = token_type
self.token = token
self.app_sandbox = app_sandbox
self.secret = secret
self.other_uids = other_uids
self.no_muted = no_muted
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'RegisterDeviceRequest',
'token_type': self.token_type,
'token': self.token,
'app_sandbox': self.app_sandbox,
'secret': self.secret,
'other_uids': [] if self.other_uids is None else self.other_uids[:],
'no_muted': self.no_muted
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.no_muted is None or self.no_muted is False else 1)),
struct.pack('<i', self.token_type),
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.app_sandbox else b'7\x97y\xbc',
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.other_uids)),b''.join(struct.pack('<q', x) for x in self.other_uids),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_no_muted = bool(flags & 1)
_token_type = reader.read_int()
_token = reader.tgread_string()
_app_sandbox = reader.tgread_bool()
_secret = reader.tgread_bytes()
_other_uids = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.read_long()
return cls(token_type=_token_type, token=_token, app_sandbox=_app_sandbox, secret=_secret, other_uids=_other_uids, no_muted=_no_muted)
class ReorderUsernamesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xef500eab
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, order: List[str]):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.order = order
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ReorderUsernamesRequest',
'order': [] if self.order is None else self.order[:]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.order)),b''.join(self.serialize_bytes(x) for x in self.order),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_order = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(order=_order)
class ReportPeerRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xc5ba3d86
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPeer', reason: 'TypeReportReason', message: str):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.peer = peer
self.reason = reason
self.message = message
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.peer = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.peer))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ReportPeerRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'reason': self.reason.to_dict() if isinstance(self.reason, TLObject) else self.reason,
'message': self.message
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_reason = reader.tgread_object()
_message = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(peer=_peer, reason=_reason, message=_message)
class ReportProfilePhotoRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xfa8cc6f5
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPeer', photo_id: 'TypeInputPhoto', reason: 'TypeReportReason', message: str):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.peer = peer
self.photo_id = photo_id
self.reason = reason
self.message = message
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.peer = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.peer))
self.photo_id = utils.get_input_photo(self.photo_id)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ReportProfilePhotoRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'photo_id': self.photo_id.to_dict() if isinstance(self.photo_id, TLObject) else self.photo_id,
'reason': self.reason.to_dict() if isinstance(self.reason, TLObject) else self.reason,
'message': self.message
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_photo_id = reader.tgread_object()
_reason = reader.tgread_object()
_message = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(peer=_peer, photo_id=_photo_id, reason=_reason, message=_message)
class ResendPasswordEmailRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x7a7f2a15
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ResendPasswordEmailRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class ResetAuthorizationRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xdf77f3bc
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, hash: int):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ResetAuthorizationRequest',
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(hash=_hash)
class ResetNotifySettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xdb7e1747
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ResetNotifySettingsRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class ResetPasswordRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x9308ce1b
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x49507416
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ResetPasswordRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class ResetWallPapersRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xbb3b9804
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ResetWallPapersRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class ResetWebAuthorizationRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x2d01b9ef
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, hash: int):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.hash = hash
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ResetWebAuthorizationRequest',
'hash': self.hash
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.hash),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.read_long()
return cls(hash=_hash)
class ResetWebAuthorizationsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x682d2594
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ResetWebAuthorizationsRequest'
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
return cls()
class ResolveBusinessChatLinkRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x5492e5ee
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x3a772c28
def __init__(self, slug: str):
:returns account.ResolvedBusinessChatLinks: Instance of ResolvedBusinessChatLinks.
self.slug = slug
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ResolveBusinessChatLinkRequest',
'slug': self.slug
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_slug = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(slug=_slug)
class SaveAutoDownloadSettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x76f36233
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, settings: 'TypeAutoDownloadSettings', low: Optional[bool]=None, high: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.settings = settings
self.low = low
self.high = high
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SaveAutoDownloadSettingsRequest',
'settings': self.settings.to_dict() if isinstance(self.settings, TLObject) else self.settings,
'low': self.low,
'high': self.high
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.low is None or self.low is False else 1) | (0 if self.high is None or self.high is False else 2)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_low = bool(flags & 1)
_high = bool(flags & 2)
_settings = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(settings=_settings, low=_low, high=_high)
class SaveAutoSaveSettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xd69b8361
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, settings: 'TypeAutoSaveSettings', users: Optional[bool]=None, chats: Optional[bool]=None, broadcasts: Optional[bool]=None, peer: Optional['TypeInputPeer']=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.settings = settings
self.users = users
self.chats = chats
self.broadcasts = broadcasts
self.peer = peer
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
if self.peer:
self.peer = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.peer))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SaveAutoSaveSettingsRequest',
'settings': self.settings.to_dict() if isinstance(self.settings, TLObject) else self.settings,
'users': self.users,
'chats': self.chats,
'broadcasts': self.broadcasts,
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.users is None or self.users is False else 1) | (0 if self.chats is None or self.chats is False else 2) | (0 if self.broadcasts is None or self.broadcasts is False else 4) | (0 if self.peer is None or self.peer is False else 8)),
b'' if self.peer is None or self.peer is False else (self.peer._bytes()),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_users = bool(flags & 1)
_chats = bool(flags & 2)
_broadcasts = bool(flags & 4)
if flags & 8:
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_peer = None
_settings = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(settings=_settings, users=_users, chats=_chats, broadcasts=_broadcasts, peer=_peer)
class SaveRingtoneRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x3dea5b03
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xb1e28424
def __init__(self, id: 'TypeInputDocument', unsave: bool):
:returns account.SavedRingtone: Instance of either SavedRingtone, SavedRingtoneConverted.
self.id = id
self.unsave = unsave
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.id = utils.get_input_document(self.id)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SaveRingtoneRequest',
'id': self.id.to_dict() if isinstance(self.id, TLObject) else self.id,
'unsave': self.unsave
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.unsave else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_id = reader.tgread_object()
_unsave = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(id=_id, unsave=_unsave)
class SaveSecureValueRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x899fe31d
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x51138ae
def __init__(self, value: 'TypeInputSecureValue', secure_secret_id: int):
:returns SecureValue: Instance of SecureValue.
self.value = value
self.secure_secret_id = secure_secret_id
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SaveSecureValueRequest',
'value': self.value.to_dict() if isinstance(self.value, TLObject) else self.value,
'secure_secret_id': self.secure_secret_id
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<q', self.secure_secret_id),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_value = reader.tgread_object()
_secure_secret_id = reader.read_long()
return cls(value=_value, secure_secret_id=_secure_secret_id)
class SaveThemeRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf257106c
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, theme: 'TypeInputTheme', unsave: bool):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.theme = theme
self.unsave = unsave
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SaveThemeRequest',
'theme': self.theme.to_dict() if isinstance(self.theme, TLObject) else self.theme,
'unsave': self.unsave
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.unsave else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_theme = reader.tgread_object()
_unsave = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(theme=_theme, unsave=_unsave)
class SaveWallPaperRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x6c5a5b37
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, wallpaper: 'TypeInputWallPaper', unsave: bool, settings: 'TypeWallPaperSettings'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.wallpaper = wallpaper
self.unsave = unsave
self.settings = settings
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SaveWallPaperRequest',
'wallpaper': self.wallpaper.to_dict() if isinstance(self.wallpaper, TLObject) else self.wallpaper,
'unsave': self.unsave,
'settings': self.settings.to_dict() if isinstance(self.settings, TLObject) else self.settings
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.unsave else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_wallpaper = reader.tgread_object()
_unsave = reader.tgread_bool()
_settings = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(wallpaper=_wallpaper, unsave=_unsave, settings=_settings)
class SendChangePhoneCodeRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x82574ae5
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x6ce87081
def __init__(self, phone_number: str, settings: 'TypeCodeSettings'):
:returns auth.SentCode: Instance of either SentCode, SentCodeSuccess.
self.phone_number = phone_number
self.settings = settings
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SendChangePhoneCodeRequest',
'phone_number': self.phone_number,
'settings': self.settings.to_dict() if isinstance(self.settings, TLObject) else self.settings
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_phone_number = reader.tgread_string()
_settings = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(phone_number=_phone_number, settings=_settings)
class SendConfirmPhoneCodeRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x1b3faa88
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x6ce87081
def __init__(self, hash: str, settings: 'TypeCodeSettings'):
:returns auth.SentCode: Instance of either SentCode, SentCodeSuccess.
self.hash = hash
self.settings = settings
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SendConfirmPhoneCodeRequest',
'hash': self.hash,
'settings': self.settings.to_dict() if isinstance(self.settings, TLObject) else self.settings
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_hash = reader.tgread_string()
_settings = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(hash=_hash, settings=_settings)
class SendVerifyEmailCodeRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x98e037bb
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x69f3c06e
def __init__(self, purpose: 'TypeEmailVerifyPurpose', email: str):
:returns account.SentEmailCode: Instance of SentEmailCode.
self.purpose = purpose
self.email = email
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SendVerifyEmailCodeRequest',
'purpose': self.purpose.to_dict() if isinstance(self.purpose, TLObject) else self.purpose,
'email': self.email
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_purpose = reader.tgread_object()
_email = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(purpose=_purpose, email=_email)
class SendVerifyPhoneCodeRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa5a356f9
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x6ce87081
def __init__(self, phone_number: str, settings: 'TypeCodeSettings'):
:returns auth.SentCode: Instance of either SentCode, SentCodeSuccess.
self.phone_number = phone_number
self.settings = settings
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SendVerifyPhoneCodeRequest',
'phone_number': self.phone_number,
'settings': self.settings.to_dict() if isinstance(self.settings, TLObject) else self.settings
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_phone_number = reader.tgread_string()
_settings = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(phone_number=_phone_number, settings=_settings)
class SetAccountTTLRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x2442485e
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, ttl: 'TypeAccountDaysTTL'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.ttl = ttl
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SetAccountTTLRequest',
'ttl': self.ttl.to_dict() if isinstance(self.ttl, TLObject) else self.ttl
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_ttl = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(ttl=_ttl)
class SetAuthorizationTTLRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xbf899aa0
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, authorization_ttl_days: int):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.authorization_ttl_days = authorization_ttl_days
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SetAuthorizationTTLRequest',
'authorization_ttl_days': self.authorization_ttl_days
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.authorization_ttl_days),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_authorization_ttl_days = reader.read_int()
return cls(authorization_ttl_days=_authorization_ttl_days)
class SetContactSignUpNotificationRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xcff43f61
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, silent: bool):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.silent = silent
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SetContactSignUpNotificationRequest',
'silent': self.silent
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.silent else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_silent = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(silent=_silent)
class SetContentSettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xb574b16b
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, sensitive_enabled: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.sensitive_enabled = sensitive_enabled
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SetContentSettingsRequest',
'sensitive_enabled': self.sensitive_enabled
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.sensitive_enabled is None or self.sensitive_enabled is False else 1)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_sensitive_enabled = bool(flags & 1)
return cls(sensitive_enabled=_sensitive_enabled)
class SetGlobalPrivacySettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x1edaaac2
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xc90e5770
def __init__(self, settings: 'TypeGlobalPrivacySettings'):
:returns GlobalPrivacySettings: Instance of GlobalPrivacySettings.
self.settings = settings
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SetGlobalPrivacySettingsRequest',
'settings': self.settings.to_dict() if isinstance(self.settings, TLObject) else self.settings
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_settings = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(settings=_settings)
class SetPrivacyRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xc9f81ce8
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xb55aba82
def __init__(self, key: 'TypeInputPrivacyKey', rules: List['TypeInputPrivacyRule']):
:returns account.PrivacyRules: Instance of PrivacyRules.
self.key = key
self.rules = rules
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SetPrivacyRequest',
'key': self.key.to_dict() if isinstance(self.key, TLObject) else self.key,
'rules': [] if self.rules is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.rules]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.rules)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.rules),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_key = reader.tgread_object()
_rules = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(key=_key, rules=_rules)
class SetReactionsNotifySettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x316ce548
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8dff0851
def __init__(self, settings: 'TypeReactionsNotifySettings'):
:returns ReactionsNotifySettings: Instance of ReactionsNotifySettings.
self.settings = settings
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'SetReactionsNotifySettingsRequest',
'settings': self.settings.to_dict() if isinstance(self.settings, TLObject) else self.settings
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_settings = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(settings=_settings)
class ToggleConnectedBotPausedRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x646e1097
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputPeer', paused: bool):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.peer = peer
self.paused = paused
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.peer = utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity(self.peer))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleConnectedBotPausedRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'paused': self.paused
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.paused else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_paused = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(peer=_peer, paused=_paused)
class ToggleSponsoredMessagesRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xb9d9a38d
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, enabled: bool):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.enabled = enabled
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleSponsoredMessagesRequest',
'enabled': self.enabled
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.enabled else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_enabled = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(enabled=_enabled)
class ToggleUsernameRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x58d6b376
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, username: str, active: bool):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.username = username
self.active = active
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'ToggleUsernameRequest',
'username': self.username,
'active': self.active
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.active else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_username = reader.tgread_string()
_active = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(username=_username, active=_active)
class UnregisterDeviceRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x6a0d3206
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, token_type: int, token: str, other_uids: List[int]):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.token_type = token_type
self.token = token
self.other_uids = other_uids
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UnregisterDeviceRequest',
'token_type': self.token_type,
'token': self.token,
'other_uids': [] if self.other_uids is None else self.other_uids[:]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.token_type),
b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.other_uids)),b''.join(struct.pack('<q', x) for x in self.other_uids),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_token_type = reader.read_int()
_token = reader.tgread_string()
_other_uids = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.read_long()
return cls(token_type=_token_type, token=_token, other_uids=_other_uids)
class UpdateBirthdayRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xcc6e0c11
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, birthday: Optional['TypeBirthday']=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.birthday = birthday
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateBirthdayRequest',
'birthday': self.birthday.to_dict() if isinstance(self.birthday, TLObject) else self.birthday
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.birthday is None or self.birthday is False else 1)),
b'' if self.birthday is None or self.birthday is False else (self.birthday._bytes()),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
if flags & 1:
_birthday = reader.tgread_object()
_birthday = None
return cls(birthday=_birthday)
class UpdateBusinessAwayMessageRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa26a7fa5
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, message: Optional['TypeInputBusinessAwayMessage']=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.message = message
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateBusinessAwayMessageRequest',
'message': self.message.to_dict() if isinstance(self.message, TLObject) else self.message
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.message is None or self.message is False else 1)),
b'' if self.message is None or self.message is False else (self.message._bytes()),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
if flags & 1:
_message = reader.tgread_object()
_message = None
return cls(message=_message)
class UpdateBusinessGreetingMessageRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x66cdafc4
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, message: Optional['TypeInputBusinessGreetingMessage']=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.message = message
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateBusinessGreetingMessageRequest',
'message': self.message.to_dict() if isinstance(self.message, TLObject) else self.message
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.message is None or self.message is False else 1)),
b'' if self.message is None or self.message is False else (self.message._bytes()),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
if flags & 1:
_message = reader.tgread_object()
_message = None
return cls(message=_message)
class UpdateBusinessIntroRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa614d034
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, intro: Optional['TypeInputBusinessIntro']=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.intro = intro
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateBusinessIntroRequest',
'intro': self.intro.to_dict() if isinstance(self.intro, TLObject) else self.intro
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.intro is None or self.intro is False else 1)),
b'' if self.intro is None or self.intro is False else (self.intro._bytes()),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
if flags & 1:
_intro = reader.tgread_object()
_intro = None
return cls(intro=_intro)
class UpdateBusinessLocationRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x9e6b131a
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, geo_point: Optional['TypeInputGeoPoint']=None, address: Optional[str]=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.geo_point = geo_point
self.address = address
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateBusinessLocationRequest',
'geo_point': self.geo_point.to_dict() if isinstance(self.geo_point, TLObject) else self.geo_point,
'address': self.address
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.geo_point is None or self.geo_point is False else 2) | (0 if self.address is None or self.address is False else 1)),
b'' if self.geo_point is None or self.geo_point is False else (self.geo_point._bytes()),
b'' if self.address is None or self.address is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.address)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
if flags & 2:
_geo_point = reader.tgread_object()
_geo_point = None
if flags & 1:
_address = reader.tgread_string()
_address = None
return cls(geo_point=_geo_point, address=_address)
class UpdateBusinessWorkHoursRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x4b00e066
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, business_work_hours: Optional['TypeBusinessWorkHours']=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.business_work_hours = business_work_hours
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateBusinessWorkHoursRequest',
'business_work_hours': self.business_work_hours.to_dict() if isinstance(self.business_work_hours, TLObject) else self.business_work_hours
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.business_work_hours is None or self.business_work_hours is False else 1)),
b'' if self.business_work_hours is None or self.business_work_hours is False else (self.business_work_hours._bytes()),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
if flags & 1:
_business_work_hours = reader.tgread_object()
_business_work_hours = None
return cls(business_work_hours=_business_work_hours)
class UpdateColorRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x7cefa15d
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, for_profile: Optional[bool]=None, color: Optional[int]=None, background_emoji_id: Optional[int]=None):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.for_profile = for_profile
self.color = color
self.background_emoji_id = background_emoji_id
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateColorRequest',
'for_profile': self.for_profile,
'color': self.color,
'background_emoji_id': self.background_emoji_id
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.for_profile is None or self.for_profile is False else 2) | (0 if self.color is None or self.color is False else 4) | (0 if self.background_emoji_id is None or self.background_emoji_id is False else 1)),
b'' if self.color is None or self.color is False else (struct.pack('<i', self.color)),
b'' if self.background_emoji_id is None or self.background_emoji_id is False else (struct.pack('<q', self.background_emoji_id)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_for_profile = bool(flags & 2)
if flags & 4:
_color = reader.read_int()
_color = None
if flags & 1:
_background_emoji_id = reader.read_long()
_background_emoji_id = None
return cls(for_profile=_for_profile, color=_color, background_emoji_id=_background_emoji_id)
class UpdateConnectedBotRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x43d8521d
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x8af52aac
def __init__(self, bot: 'TypeInputUser', recipients: 'TypeInputBusinessBotRecipients', can_reply: Optional[bool]=None, deleted: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns Updates: Instance of either UpdatesTooLong, UpdateShortMessage, UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShort, UpdatesCombined, Updates, UpdateShortSentMessage.
self.bot = bot
self.recipients = recipients
self.can_reply = can_reply
self.deleted = deleted
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.bot = utils.get_input_user(await client.get_input_entity(self.bot))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateConnectedBotRequest',
'bot': self.bot.to_dict() if isinstance(self.bot, TLObject) else self.bot,
'recipients': self.recipients.to_dict() if isinstance(self.recipients, TLObject) else self.recipients,
'can_reply': self.can_reply,
'deleted': self.deleted
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.can_reply is None or self.can_reply is False else 1) | (0 if self.deleted is None or self.deleted is False else 2)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_can_reply = bool(flags & 1)
_deleted = bool(flags & 2)
_bot = reader.tgread_object()
_recipients = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(bot=_bot, recipients=_recipients, can_reply=_can_reply, deleted=_deleted)
class UpdateDeviceLockedRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x38df3532
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, period: int):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.period = period
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateDeviceLockedRequest',
'period': self.period
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<i', self.period),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_period = reader.read_int()
return cls(period=_period)
class UpdateEmojiStatusRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xfbd3de6b
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, emoji_status: 'TypeEmojiStatus'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.emoji_status = emoji_status
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateEmojiStatusRequest',
'emoji_status': self.emoji_status.to_dict() if isinstance(self.emoji_status, TLObject) else self.emoji_status
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_emoji_status = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(emoji_status=_emoji_status)
class UpdateNotifySettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x84be5b93
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, peer: 'TypeInputNotifyPeer', settings: 'TypeInputPeerNotifySettings'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.peer = peer
self.settings = settings
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.peer = await client._get_input_notify(self.peer)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateNotifySettingsRequest',
'peer': self.peer.to_dict() if isinstance(self.peer, TLObject) else self.peer,
'settings': self.settings.to_dict() if isinstance(self.settings, TLObject) else self.settings
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_peer = reader.tgread_object()
_settings = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(peer=_peer, settings=_settings)
class UpdatePasswordSettingsRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xa59b102f
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, password: 'TypeInputCheckPasswordSRP', new_settings: 'TypePasswordInputSettings'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.password = password
self.new_settings = new_settings
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdatePasswordSettingsRequest',
'password': self.password.to_dict() if isinstance(self.password, TLObject) else self.password,
'new_settings': self.new_settings.to_dict() if isinstance(self.new_settings, TLObject) else self.new_settings
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_password = reader.tgread_object()
_new_settings = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(password=_password, new_settings=_new_settings)
class UpdatePersonalChannelRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xd94305e0
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, channel: 'TypeInputChannel'):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.channel = channel
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
self.channel = utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity(self.channel))
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdatePersonalChannelRequest',
'channel': self.channel.to_dict() if isinstance(self.channel, TLObject) else self.channel
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_channel = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(channel=_channel)
class UpdateProfileRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x78515775
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x2da17977
def __init__(self, first_name: Optional[str]=None, last_name: Optional[str]=None, about: Optional[str]=None):
:returns User: Instance of either UserEmpty, User.
self.first_name = first_name
self.last_name = last_name
self.about = about
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateProfileRequest',
'first_name': self.first_name,
'last_name': self.last_name,
'about': self.about
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.first_name is None or self.first_name is False else 1) | (0 if self.last_name is None or self.last_name is False else 2) | (0 if self.about is None or self.about is False else 4)),
b'' if self.first_name is None or self.first_name is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.first_name)),
b'' if self.last_name is None or self.last_name is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.last_name)),
b'' if self.about is None or self.about is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.about)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
if flags & 1:
_first_name = reader.tgread_string()
_first_name = None
if flags & 2:
_last_name = reader.tgread_string()
_last_name = None
if flags & 4:
_about = reader.tgread_string()
_about = None
return cls(first_name=_first_name, last_name=_last_name, about=_about)
class UpdateStatusRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x6628562c
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, offline: bool):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.offline = offline
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateStatusRequest',
'offline': self.offline
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
b'\xb5ur\x99' if self.offline else b'7\x97y\xbc',
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_offline = reader.tgread_bool()
return cls(offline=_offline)
class UpdateThemeRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x2bf40ccc
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x56b4c80c
def __init__(self, format: str, theme: 'TypeInputTheme', slug: Optional[str]=None, title: Optional[str]=None, document: Optional['TypeInputDocument']=None, settings: Optional[List['TypeInputThemeSettings']]=None):
:returns Theme: Instance of Theme.
self.format = format
self.theme = theme
self.slug = slug
self.title = title
self.document = document
self.settings = settings
async def resolve(self, client, utils):
if self.document:
self.document = utils.get_input_document(self.document)
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateThemeRequest',
'format': self.format,
'theme': self.theme.to_dict() if isinstance(self.theme, TLObject) else self.theme,
'slug': self.slug,
'title': self.title,
'document': self.document.to_dict() if isinstance(self.document, TLObject) else self.document,
'settings': [] if self.settings is None else [x.to_dict() if isinstance(x, TLObject) else x for x in self.settings]
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.slug is None or self.slug is False else 1) | (0 if self.title is None or self.title is False else 2) | (0 if self.document is None or self.document is False else 4) | (0 if self.settings is None or self.settings is False else 8)),
b'' if self.slug is None or self.slug is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.slug)),
b'' if self.title is None or self.title is False else (self.serialize_bytes(self.title)),
b'' if self.document is None or self.document is False else (self.document._bytes()),
b'' if self.settings is None or self.settings is False else b''.join((b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.settings)),b''.join(x._bytes() for x in self.settings))),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_format = reader.tgread_string()
_theme = reader.tgread_object()
if flags & 1:
_slug = reader.tgread_string()
_slug = None
if flags & 2:
_title = reader.tgread_string()
_title = None
if flags & 4:
_document = reader.tgread_object()
_document = None
if flags & 8:
_settings = []
for _ in range(reader.read_int()):
_x = reader.tgread_object()
_settings = None
return cls(format=_format, theme=_theme, slug=_slug, title=_title, document=_document, settings=_settings)
class UpdateUsernameRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x3e0bdd7c
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x2da17977
def __init__(self, username: str):
:returns User: Instance of either UserEmpty, User.
self.username = username
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UpdateUsernameRequest',
'username': self.username
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_username = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(username=_username)
class UploadRingtoneRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x831a83a2
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x211fe820
def __init__(self, file: 'TypeInputFile', file_name: str, mime_type: str):
:returns Document: Instance of either DocumentEmpty, Document.
self.file = file
self.file_name = file_name
self.mime_type = mime_type
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UploadRingtoneRequest',
'file': self.file.to_dict() if isinstance(self.file, TLObject) else self.file,
'file_name': self.file_name,
'mime_type': self.mime_type
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_file = reader.tgread_object()
_file_name = reader.tgread_string()
_mime_type = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(file=_file, file_name=_file_name, mime_type=_mime_type)
class UploadThemeRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x1c3db333
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x211fe820
def __init__(self, file: 'TypeInputFile', file_name: str, mime_type: str, thumb: Optional['TypeInputFile']=None):
:returns Document: Instance of either DocumentEmpty, Document.
self.file = file
self.file_name = file_name
self.mime_type = mime_type
self.thumb = thumb
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UploadThemeRequest',
'file': self.file.to_dict() if isinstance(self.file, TLObject) else self.file,
'file_name': self.file_name,
'mime_type': self.mime_type,
'thumb': self.thumb.to_dict() if isinstance(self.thumb, TLObject) else self.thumb
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.thumb is None or self.thumb is False else 1)),
b'' if self.thumb is None or self.thumb is False else (self.thumb._bytes()),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_file = reader.tgread_object()
if flags & 1:
_thumb = reader.tgread_object()
_thumb = None
_file_name = reader.tgread_string()
_mime_type = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(file=_file, file_name=_file_name, mime_type=_mime_type, thumb=_thumb)
class UploadWallPaperRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xe39a8f03
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x96a2c98b
def __init__(self, file: 'TypeInputFile', mime_type: str, settings: 'TypeWallPaperSettings', for_chat: Optional[bool]=None):
:returns WallPaper: Instance of either WallPaper, WallPaperNoFile.
self.file = file
self.mime_type = mime_type
self.settings = settings
self.for_chat = for_chat
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'UploadWallPaperRequest',
'file': self.file.to_dict() if isinstance(self.file, TLObject) else self.file,
'mime_type': self.mime_type,
'settings': self.settings.to_dict() if isinstance(self.settings, TLObject) else self.settings,
'for_chat': self.for_chat
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
struct.pack('<I', (0 if self.for_chat is None or self.for_chat is False else 1)),
def from_reader(cls, reader):
flags = reader.read_int()
_for_chat = bool(flags & 1)
_file = reader.tgread_object()
_mime_type = reader.tgread_string()
_settings = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(file=_file, mime_type=_mime_type, settings=_settings, for_chat=_for_chat)
class VerifyEmailRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x32da4cf
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x64833188
def __init__(self, purpose: 'TypeEmailVerifyPurpose', verification: 'TypeEmailVerification'):
:returns account.EmailVerified: Instance of either EmailVerified, EmailVerifiedLogin.
self.purpose = purpose
self.verification = verification
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'VerifyEmailRequest',
'purpose': self.purpose.to_dict() if isinstance(self.purpose, TLObject) else self.purpose,
'verification': self.verification.to_dict() if isinstance(self.verification, TLObject) else self.verification
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_purpose = reader.tgread_object()
_verification = reader.tgread_object()
return cls(purpose=_purpose, verification=_verification)
class VerifyPhoneRequest(TLRequest):
CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x4dd3a7f6
SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xf5b399ac
def __init__(self, phone_number: str, phone_code_hash: str, phone_code: str):
:returns Bool: This type has no constructors.
self.phone_number = phone_number
self.phone_code_hash = phone_code_hash
self.phone_code = phone_code
def to_dict(self):
return {
'_': 'VerifyPhoneRequest',
'phone_number': self.phone_number,
'phone_code_hash': self.phone_code_hash,
'phone_code': self.phone_code
def _bytes(self):
return b''.join((
def from_reader(cls, reader):
_phone_number = reader.tgread_string()
_phone_code_hash = reader.tgread_string()
_phone_code = reader.tgread_string()
return cls(phone_number=_phone_number, phone_code_hash=_phone_code_hash, phone_code=_phone_code)